Friday, 28 August 2009

An Illustration of Fascist Method

This is from WhatReallyHappened - it's a quote by Michael Rivero. He's speaking about public distrust of the vaccine against swine-flu, but it points to the wider purpose of WhatReallyHappened, and the rest of the crypto-fascist movement ie to undermine the legitimacy of democratic government (the other major aspect is promoting the idea of (jewish) world conspiracy)
There is a fundamental truth underneath the issue of the vaccine.

The popular revolt against government-mandated shots reveals a basic lack of trust in government by the people.

A government that has lost the trust of the people is a government which can no longer function.

And a government that cannot function and that cannot be trusted is a government that is useless and a waste of money.

The US Federal government has outlived its usefulness to the people.

And waving flu or terrorists or Iranians at us will not create the illusion that continuing to support such a useless government is necessary.
The point of such stories about flu vaccines etc is to create a sense of crisis. (There's never any good news at conspiracy websites - there's never any news which contradicts their worldview.)

This operates alongside an effort to create a sense of government illegitimacy - the role served by the election fraud meme, for example. Another factor, of course, is the definition of an enemy - internal and external - jews.

That's a simple description of the method of all these conspiracy websites, but one that fits with history of Weimar and rise to power of Nazism. The history of Weimar and its fall is a lesson unlikely to be forgotten by fascists. Why wouldn't they see it as an archetype worthy of an attempt at repetition?

Furthermore, statements like Rivero's above invariably reveal that the conspiracist conception of reality views the creation of false realities as an enormously powerful method: why wouldn't they employ the same methods themselves? Obviously it isn't beyond their ken to even dream of it, as their entire worldview is based around it.

Indeed, the history of the John Birch Society reveals that whilst the Birchers communicated a fear of a communist conspiracy, they were themselves engaged in a conspiracy to defeat it - whether the communist conspiracy existed or not, the Birchers certainly did, and had themselves formed secret networks, passed around 'secret' texts, worked undemocratically and unaccountably to pursue their own agenda etc. ie the exact same things they'd formed to oppose.


Greg Bacon said...

Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole shooter of JFK?

If not, then why?

And doesn't that make you a 'conspiracy' theorist?

Do you believe the 9/11 Commission, even though some of its members have stated they were lied to, given faulty leads by the government, had documents denied to them by the same and refused to publish the brave Sibel Edmonds testimony?

And why did Bush and Cheney fight like crazies against having a 9/11 Commission?

And why did Bush and Cheney get interviewed behind closed doors, with no notes allowed to be taken and not under oath?

If what they say about 9/11 is true, that 19 Ayyyrabs with boxcutters did it, why all the lies and secrecy surrounding the testimony?

the_last_name_left said...

refused to publish the brave Sibel Edmonds testimony?

I don't see any reason to simply assume Sibel Edmonds has anything much to say.

Until we know what she has to say - we can't say much about it, either way, right?

And why did Bush and Cheney fight like crazies against having a 9/11 Commission?

They fought like anything over everything they didn't like. Until we know more there's nothing much we can say about it.
YOu don't know why they did what they did - you're entitled to suspicions, but that's all they are, until you know more.

why did Bush and Cheney get interviewed behind closed doors, with no notes allowed to be taken and not under oath?

Again - you don't WHY.

If what they say about 9/11 is true, that 19 Ayyyrabs with boxcutters did it, why all the lies and secrecy surrounding the testimony?

Why all the lies and secrecy around everything? You don't know why. You're entitled to suspicions but you don't know anything about it.