RysSense is often linked to by Mike Rivero's WhatReallyHappened website. Rys is a member of WRH and pursues much of the same interests - an obsession with Jews, Holocaust denial, grand conspiracy etc. He's recently been engaging in sedition over at youtube.
Anyway, in the comments at YouTube he said I should join his forum and enter "a debate" about the Holocaust there.
Thing is, I already tried, and he removed it. Repeatedly. And banned my user account. Rys denies he "ever" censored me - but he did it repeatedly with no warning, no explanation, and no public notice.

That post should appear here:
But it doesn't.
I have the evidence of another 10 posts being deleted. Ok, Rys? Stop lying now, huh? The evidence is clear - Rys does delete posts from his site - simply because they are critical of his POV.
ETA - Larry has been banned from this blog after repeatedly refusing to listen to requests to ease-up with his bile and his filthy childish bad-language. Here's a sample of just a few days of Larry's posts - this is what gets him banned everywhere he goes:
Fuck you....you fucking panzy ass....Tell me shithead...your fucking LYING.....you keep fucking saying.....moronic shithead....youve been fucking OWNED.....answer my question asshole....OVER AND FUCKING OVER you big fucking dickhead.........you fuckwads....if you fucking ANSWERED it....Hey LAST FAG LEFT....asshole...youre an asshat....you prick!.....NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS!...all the shit YOUVE said...the shit I posted...douchebag....youre a colossal dicknut....Hey.....ASSHOLE....you fucking IGNORE....You pathetic sack of shit!....asshole!....Dipshit....asshole!...dickweed.Larry has previous for this behaviour, he does it everywhere he goes. Here's an earlier example of Larry's literary style, for which he was previously banned here. Check out how honestly Larry reports his banning?? Larry is incapable of realising why he gets banned everywhere? He's a sick puppy.
TLNL, I sent you an email. Maybe it's in the spam bin. Thanks.
It's dealt with Socrates. :D
Justify your deletion of my comments all you want. The bottom line is: You CANNOT bitch about being deleted when YOU DELETE YOURSELF------REGARDLESS of the reason!!!! It doesnt matter what the reason is assmunch---dont you get it????
Oh yeah, Lars?
What's your justification for deleting my replies at your own site?
Your comments are deleted because
1) they either said nothing
2) you make unsubstantiated accusations which are clearly libelous and possibly subject to litigation. I want nothing to do with it.
Nothing you have said has any direct relevance here. This is my blog, not Socrates'.
Your beef is with Socrates, not me. I don't know anything about the accusations you make - in my own experience I have seen nothing of Socrates which fits with the character of your claims. None whatsoever. If Socrates uses a lot of user names, so what? I don't know anything about it, nor do I much care.
And I won't be used as a go between in your dispute. Thanks.
No, Larry - you don't get to post - because you refused to behave.
Keep spamming me and I'll sick blogger on you.
Awww - look - Larry's gone mental.
All comments are automatically backed-up. Keep spamming me and I'll complain.
How is it considered spamming when the comment is deleted??? I thought spamming is when you flood the thread with the same comment over and over and it's NOT deleted??
I guess it's just plain ole malice then, Larry.
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