I'd noticed that whilst they claimed to be "anti-fascist" they had included in their "news sources" an endorsement of AmericanFreePress, Willis Carto's fascist web presence. (Note how Carto's "AFP" resembles the "AFP" of Agence France Press, one of the world's leading news agencies? It isn't by chance.)
Here's the forum's endorsement of Willis Carto's fascist AmericanFreePress:

Suspicious of "anti-fascists" endorsing Willis Carto I had to ask what was the forum's view on fascism. I was seeking a declaration.
I asked "What is the general view of this board to fascism?"

Rys2Sense replied saying that "It would be the majority [that are anti-fascist] as in everyone but yourself who we believe to be a Zionist fascist."

So, Rys2Sense made a declaration that the forum was "anti-fascist". He also suggested it was in fact myself whom was the fascist - a zionist!
Having obtained a declaration against fascism from Rys2Sense, I then asked several times "WHO OWN AMERICAN FREE PRESS?" Eventually I got an answer:

Rys2Sense's Anti-NeoCon forum subsequently banned me, proceeded to attack me without right to reply, altered my posts, and then removed their link to Willis Carto's AmericanFreePress - the very same link I had complained about.
Here it is as it appears now, minus the link to Carto's AFP:

And I can't give a direct link because I have been IP banned....by the "anti-fascists" at anti-neo-cons.com
So why did they delete the endorsement of AmericanFreePress? Because it was an embarassment? Well, what was it doing there in the first-place if Anti-neocons.com is actually antifascist? Clearly they are either incapable of spotting genuine fascism unless clearly labelled, or, as seems more likely, they are actually sympathetic to fascism even as they claim to be against it. [This is a pretty common fault across conspiracism - a claim to be anti-fascist appears whilst fascist propaganda and agenda are actually promoted. Larry Simons and BigDans'Big Blog have also fallen foul of unwittingly endorsing fascist AmericanFreePress whilst claiming to oppose "fascism". Indeed, this must be seen as evidence of the success of fascist agitation - ie it's common: even people whom claim to be "anti-fascists" can be found promoting fascism via endorsement of Carto's AmericanFreePress. That's exactly the result Carto wishes to obtain and vindicates the fascist's strategy of entryism and crypto-nazism. It works......because there are idiots like Anti-neocons.com whom can't (or won't) spot genuine fascism. The are, in fact, mere poseurs.]
"Rys2Sense's Anti-NeoCon forum subsequently banned me, proceeded to attack me without right to reply, altered my posts, and then removed their link to Willis Carto's AmericanFreePress - the very same link I had complained about."
Gee, who does THAT sound like???? HMMMMMMM???
"And I can't give a direct link because I have been IP banned....by the "anti-fascists" at anti-neo-cons.com"
Can't give PROOF huh?? How do we know it's true then?? Just your good word?? Yeah, we all know how credible YOU are since you do it to others!!!
Here's the proof you do the SAME THING:
I'm quite happy to let it stand - anyone can go and see how distorted is your telling of any and all events.
Oh - and go off-topic here or start going crazy and filthy again - and I'll delete you again.
K? Your choice, sunshine.
"Oh - and go off-topic here or start going crazy and filthy again - and I'll delete you again."
Ahhh, yes, you'll delete me AGAIN, just like Rys2sense???? Do you realize you're the biggest hypocrite on Earth??? I guess you dont. I guess it's retardation then.
"K? Your choice, sunshine."
Sunshine? Are you fag? Oh, ok, I forgot who I was talking to.
Why do you only let posts from people with blogger accounts? Hmmmmm???? I own your blog. I made you switch your settings. LOL
I changed the settings to force you to post through your blogger account.
For legal reasons. K.
"I changed the settings to force you to post through your blogger account.
For legal reasons. K."
LOL. Name ONE illegal thing Ive done or said. Just ONE. I'm making it easy.
"Last Queenie Fraud Blog Left"??
Well, at least you admit it!! LOL
Oh, I just wanted to make it more clear that all those non-logged-in Larry's which I deleted were properly associated with your Larry-account and blog.
Name one illegal thing you've done?
Errr - broken the speed limit?
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