Here's the post:

Having previously been banned at Rys2Sense's forum I responded in the comments at his YouTube page. He again offered the challenge:

After I'd signed up and posted a few responses (which Rys was unable to address and which refuted some of his explicit claims) I was met with this:
My user name was CurtOnTheRadio Mk2 - because Mk I had already been banned.
My despicable behaviour is present in these threads:
[TBA when I get the addresses]
ETA 6/2/2011 - Here's what happens now at YouTube when I try to respond to Rys2Sense's invitation to "debate":

See, nobody will accept the challenge! Cowards! LOL
Hey-----asshole! STOP BITCHING THAT YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED WHEN YOU BAN OTHERS FROM POSTING!! That makes you a COMPLETE ASSHOLE! Youre NO DIFFERENT than Alex Jones last year deleting my stories when I wrote negative stories about them----you came to my blog and agreed and said I did a "good job"----now you are doing the SAME THING. Do you realize or even CARE what a complete DOUCHE that makes you look like??
You are a complete HYPOCRITE and ASS!!
You also changed your settings so that only people with blogger accounts can post!
Funny, I went to that video you claimed you were "banned" at. You were NOT. You are LYING. Rys2sense KEPT your comment up...this one:
"Popular Mechanics a magazine whose editor was B. Chertoff, Michael Chertoff's cousin. Michael Chertoff of course was the author of the pre-written Patriot Act..."
Is that right, Rys? lol
And this:
----Note that the Patriot Act was passed while congress was under the duress of anthrax attacks which turned out to be from a Jewish American Zionist----
You're a Jew spotter, right Rys? That automatically makes someone suspect in your eyes, doesn't it?"
You posted that THREE days ago it says, way BEFORE you posted the story on your blog. You are a lying sack of SHIT. He does NOT ban you. If he did, how was I able to post the comment you left on YouTube then???
You also left THIS comment 3 days ago:
"No - it is not true that "anybody can write anything" at your forum.
If you're wrong about this - and lie about this - why should anyone wish to listen to you about revolution?
YOu fancy yourself a Lenin, huh? At least he was smart. And honest."
That's NOT being banned asshole.
You left this comment too:
"Rys says he is against privatisation - yet he supports Ron -Privatise it!- Paul. Rys also like Peter Schiff
In 1980, when the U.S. economy was last in serious trouble, Ronald Reagan offered the correct diagnoses that government was the problem and not the solution. an agenda of lowering marginal tax rates, reducing government spending and business regulations, restoring sound money, abolishing entire government departments, and basically allowing free market...."
and this one:
"Here's rys at his site, where he censors criticism:
911 was the Mossad. But that is not an Israeli intelligence agency per say it is a terrorist agency for the military industrial complex which feeds off of the hatred of the bigots and useful idiots concentrated in Israel. The US and Israel are not really different countries in a way.
911 was an inside job which was part of a larger plan for perpetual war hatched in Israel.
And this dude wants a revolution?"
and this one:
"What rys2sense doesn't say is that he supports extreme free-marketeers - and therefore his "revolution" would be one of privatisation - smashing unions alongside privatising education, and privatising healthcare alongside abolition of all welfare.
Not to mention Rys2Sense gets much of his information from the far-right and exhibits obvious anti-semitism. Rys is an example of how fascism is influencing american patriot movement, 911 Troof, etc."
and on and on and on. You are a lying SHITBAG.
The reason given for your ban at anti-neocons is being a TROLL. He's right, you ARE a troll! I dont understand your beef with that.
He is NOT allowed to have a rule banning trolls but YOU can have a rule banning people for foul language [despite the fact that foul language REALLY doesnt bother you...that's just an excuse to avoid excllent questions and points you cant address/refute]?
Hypocritical much??
No Larry - Rys2Sense/ banned me last summer/autumn. They have just banned me again, having stated at YouTube that
1) I had never been banned before, and that
2) I was challenged to open another account so as to "debate" the Holocaust away from the supposed "controllers" of YouTube.
Having proven that I was banned last Summer from by Rys2Sense's forum, and having accepted the challenge to "debate" the Holocaust at their forum, I have been banned - from both their forum and their YouTube page.
The difference is, Larry, that you are entitled to post whatever you like here, so long as you follow my requests to up your game when your filthy mouth becomes too much to stand. That's all.
Spamming me is going to get you deleted. So is filling posts with your usual homo-erotic "insults" - asswipe, assmuch, dickwad, etc.
Repeated refusal to comply with my requests to cut it out will you get banned.
They are completely different issues.
For one thing, even tho you are "banned", I allow you space now to make your case.
Shape-up and quit your excessive bile and you are free to post here. You couldn't abide by such an easy rule even after dozens of warnings. What else should I do, but ban someone whom is simply shouting and swearing? You don't have to do matter how strong you think your point is. And I simply won't let you do that. OK? Clear enough. No censorship involved.
My being banned 3 times from Rys2Sense's places is nothing to do with my being aggressive and vitriolic - I wasn't screaming and shouting and chucking abuse (as you do, Larry.)
And I was trolling their forum? After they challenged me to join-up and "debate"? lol.
Anyway.....what is your reason for deleting my posts at your blog the last few days?
Let's see your reasoning?
Have you informed your readers that you've deleted posts by me?
Have you told them why?
L: You also changed your settings so that only people with blogger accounts can post!
Yes, so that I keep track of some vicious bastard who keeps spamming my blog with his irrelevant bile.
It's a shame, but what can you do when people behave so anti-socially, huh?
"Having proven that I was banned last Summer from by Rys2Sense's forum, and having accepted the challenge to "debate" the Holocaust at their forum, I have been banned - from both their forum and their YouTube page."
Funny, I just PROVED you're NOT banned at YouTube, for I just posted several comments of YOURS that are posted at YouTube. Unless I made them up??
"The difference is, Larry, that you are entitled to post whatever you like here, so long as you follow my requests to up your game when your filthy mouth becomes too much to stand. That's all."
In other words, I am "free" to post until you dont like something I say, then I'm banned...LOL. Well, maybe Rys2sense feels the SAME way? I may use profanity, but according to your OWN blog [as I proved on my latest story of you on my blog] you EMBRACE profanity and show NO indication it offends you. It only "offends" you when profanity is included in posts I make that also make excellent points and point out your blatant hypocrisy, that you refuse to confront.
I have a disclaimer on my blog too, saying I will delete provocateurs who dont aim at getting to the truth. My comments dont provoke without getting to the truth. They are filled with fact after fact that you cant refute and the second I say "douchebag", you delete me. LOL
"Spamming me is going to get you deleted. So is filling posts with your usual homo-erotic "insults" - asswipe, assmuch, dickwad, etc."
It's not SPAMMING when you either IGNORE the post or delete it! Spamming only refers to posts that REMAIN and are ADDRESSED.
"Repeated refusal to comply with my requests to cut it out will you get banned."
So, how can you bitch about OTHERS banning you?? THEY have their rules TOO! Are you saying YOUR rules are BETTER than their rules???
"For one thing, even tho you are "banned", I allow you space now to make your case."
Only when Im not pounding you with irrefutable facts about something we debate.
"Shape-up and quit your excessive bile and you are free to post here. You couldn't abide by such an easy rule even after dozens of warnings. What else should I do, but ban someone whom is simply shouting and swearing? You don't have to do matter how strong you think your point is. And I simply won't let you do that. OK? Clear enough. No censorship involved."
Can I stay if I say "Fuck you", "Bastards" or "Tory fucking bastards"? Probably not, right? But you can use those words as label on your blog! LOL
"My being banned 3 times from Rys2Sense's places is nothing to do with my being aggressive and vitriolic - I wasn't screaming and shouting and chucking abuse (as you do, Larry.)"
Doesnt matter. They are entitled to make their own rules as to what they will accept or not. Your rules arent better than theirs. YOUR rules are not even violations of's rules, they are just your personal, made up rules and you are entitled to have them, but when YOU use profanity and you let OTHERS use profanity like Socrates, then it comes to light as to what the REAL reason is that you delete others: They are clobbering you with facts, that you cant confront!
"And I was trolling their forum? After they challenged me to join-up and "debate"? lol."
That's simply a LIE. I saw your posts. That's called a TROLL.
"Anyway.....what is your reason for deleting my posts at your blog the last few days?"
Big difference. I dont delete people who actually make points and attempt to refute me. In fact, Im the opposite...I welcome an encourage that. YOU, on the other hand, BAN people when they ask EXCELLENT questions and make great points and when you delete them for that, then I get to choose whether you can comment on my blog. I can change my rules on a dime when it comes to assholes like you. And by the way, posing as "anonymous" on my blog doesnt work.
"L: You also changed your settings so that only people with blogger accounts can post!
Yes, so that I keep track of some vicious bastard who keeps spamming my blog with his irrelevant bile."
Thanks for admitting I own your blog. LOL.
I'm not sure how you think you can test whether I am banned or not - unless you have my login.
Those earlier posts of mine at YouTube were......earlier. Before I was banned.
That's where Rys invited me to sign-up and "debate" at "".....he suggested people were "too scared" to debate away from where they had "control".
Clearly, and Rys2Sense can't "debate" away from their own control. They won't even allow trenchant, civil, well-intentioned criticism. They ban it.
The difference is I don't.
I know you claim to believe otherwise Larry, but the fact is you can say what you like, so long as you remain civil whilst doing so, and so long as you maintain respect etc.
I'm tired of your aggressiveness Larry; your anger; your insults; your filthy mouth; your homophobic insults; your derailing of topics; your shouting etc.
Just behave and you can post whatever you like (so long as it's relevant).
But I've run out of patience with your bad behaviour - after 2+ years of it. Lord knows, who wouldn't?
You have a choice - behave reasonably and post here, or don't. Again - this is YET ANOTHER warning, and it is giving YOU the choice.
Now, back to the subject, if you will.....?
"Clearly, and Rys2Sense can't "debate" away from their own control. They won't even allow trenchant, civil, well-intentioned criticism. They ban it.
The difference is I don't."
You can't debate away from where you have control either because I post scores of comments on here where you just REFUSE to acknowledge the substance of my post, that's why when I post certain things where it may contain 5 or 6 paragraphs [most recently the Dave Neiwert posts where I mention the articles he did on James Lee and Bishop] you ONLY focused on my PROFANITY and not the substance of the post.
When I make GREAT points [quite frequently], you either IGNORE them, focus on trivial things like profanity to smokescreen away from the point, or you just say "you arent saying anything worthwhile"----all 3 are IGNORING my posts---you just have diffeent meanings for the word "ignore".
"I know you claim to believe otherwise Larry, but the fact is you can say what you like, so long as you remain civil whilst doing so, and so long as you maintain respect etc.
I'm tired of your aggressiveness Larry; your anger; your insults; your filthy mouth; your homophobic insults; your derailing of topics; your shouting etc."
You know damned well you're pretending to be offended at my profanity is all 100% pure bullshit. You call me "cunt" quite alot---do I cry "boo hoo, he called me a 'cunt'" like a 6 year old girl? NO, because I know your namecalling is a substitute for presenting facts. My calling YOU names is just labeling you what you are-----in the same way I would label someone who raped someone a "rapist". I'm just calling them as I see them.
By the way, I love how, once again, you ignored 90% of my posts. I guess if I re-post them, I'm "spamming"???? Even though you didnt address 90% of what I said above??
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