Free and honest journalism? From Nazis? Are you sure, Mr Rense?
Surely unwarranted when the article in question appears to be nothing but malicious lies dripping with antisemitism. "Loughner's actually Jewish and the media aren't telling you....because they're all Jewish too!" Well, errr....no, but I don't suppose you're interested in that?
It's pure coincidence too, of course, that Rense.com prominently features the cartoons of Holocaust denier, David Dees. [When challenged on his Holocaust denial Dees' first effort at providing evidence was a link to Hal Turner! Brilliant.]
It's even more of a coincidence perhaps that when Rense fell out with Mark Glenn of Crescent and Cross he sent his mate David Duke around to.....well, who knows why he sent him? But send him he did, apparently.
A quick search for Willis Carto at Rense leads straight to Holocaust denial from Carto's minions - Piper Collins at TheBarnesReview (Holocaust denial, Nazi legitimisation)

Typical Holocaust denial. There's Nazism all around Rense.....and Rivero....and Alex Jones.....around the entire "patriot movement". All the same people regurgitating the same old guff. And Nazis all around. Just coincidence.....like these other connections.
In April 2003, Barnes Review announced that it is the exclusive distributor for Jewish Supremacism, a new book by Holocaust-denier and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. The journal's web site advertises the book as including "a panoramic summary of fifty years of findings by Holocaust revisionists who have left the official version of 'the Holocaust' in shreds."Small world?
You and your ONLY reader, Socrates, had your chance to state your case when David Dees actually posted on your thread [thanks to me...he didnt come here on his own], but you didnt do it. I listened to both sides and whether he was right or wrong, he sounded more convincing than you two.
oh yeah, turning to world-famous historian Hal Turner for one's first evidence is a real show of intellectual force.
Nevermind that *anybody* who knows their stuff knows that ICRC have *never* released figures for the victims of the Holocaust - and have pointedly refused to do so - saying that *anyone* whom claims to have such figures is simply lying.
But Dees walks straight into it....and you follow him.
You never bother to ask why Dees goes straight for the evidence of a (double crossing) Nazi?
Some might think it better to ask historians rather than Nazis. But not Larry.....Hal Turner, Leuchter and Zundel suffice. The same tired old debunked crap that deniers always spew.....and Larry finds it "convincing". Pathetic.
Like you've ever spent any time on the issue, seriously? Obviously you haven't ever bothered.
Hal Turner? David Dees? Give me a break.....
So....Larry believes concentration camps exist in America today, but doesn't believe they had them in Nazi Germany.
But hold on, here's PrisonPlanet quoted from an article on FEMA camps that appears at Larry's site:
Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany
Resembles WHAT about Nazi Germany? Concentration camps? Extermination camps? Or the absence of them? Which is it?
Can't have it both ways.....
More interesting than Larry's lame Holocaust denial is this admission from PrisonPlanet, which again appears at Larry's site:
Berlet claims the American Free Press was founded by “one of the biggest anti-semitic, neo-fascist conspiracy theorists in the world,” which coincidentally is also a pretty apt description of the man who founded the company that now pays Berlet via the Ford Foundation funding PRA receives to spew his propaganda – Henry Ford – one of Hitler’s biggest supporters.
Interesting......Prisonplanet says "Berlet claims the owner of AFP is anti-semitic, nazi....."
HAHA. Funny they don't mention the name of this anti-semitic nazi apologist. Maybe if they did that their readers would recognise it as someone Alex Jones does a lot of work for/with.
And note how the mere association of Henry Ford with Berlet (via the Ford Foundation) is enough to raise the spectre of questions about Nazi sympathisers and people working under Nazi influences......whereas apparently Jones' own connection to Nazi Willis Carto means nothing! Which is why he's so loathe to even mention him by name, eh?
This all very clearly illustrates the methods of the far-right conspiracy crowd --- they use Nazism as a criticism of liberals, even as they themselves consort with and reproduce the real thing from GENUINE NAZIS.
Switch and Bait, or somesuch?
Obama's like......Hitler! America's going the way of Hitler!
And yet the next breathe they're denying the Holocaust.....publishing their Nazi friends' propaganda, pushing the Nazi agenda and Nazi ideas on an audience they have primed to imagine believes such sources to be anti-Nazi!
How can Alex Jones and Rense and Rivero push so much Nazi crap, even as they criticise Obama and co as being "like Nazis"?
Surely real Nazis are more Nazi than liberals like Obama? So then why don't Jones, Rense and Rivero criticise their own friends and colleagues for their genuine Nazism rather than Obama for merely being "like a Nazi"?
It's a despicable fraud on their part. And dupes, like you Larry, suck it all down.
So let's see. Some nut named Larry posts support for David Dees, who I think claims only 108,000 Jews died in the Holocaust.
Lars prominently links to Rense and Rivero's WRH. He used to get published by Alex Jones' Prison Planet. He probably got fired from that after it was discovered he doesn't understand basic principles of grammar. Or maybe he is part of that kooky, anti-grammar movement Loughner is linked to.
Now he keeps spamming some lame question of whether Jefferson was a terrorist or not to try to justify his own anti-social and terroristic proclamations. Lars is simply deflecting his request for murder and mayhem to occur in the US with real guns and people. Lars' doublespeak turns terrorism into patriotism akin to what got Hal Turner arrested. The only difference is it appears Lars hasn't named specific targets.
There were conspiracy theory freaks before the internet, but I don't think it was ever this bad. I wonder how many ill people there are like Larry in America. Maybe the historic racists and idiots (KKK & sympathisers) transformed into the Larry's of the world. It can't be a huge number, and maybe it just seems so because of Rense, Jones, Carto, et al with their unhinged worshippers spamming the net.
its over, larry has won again.
I think the internet lets them appear more numerous than they really are - nobody else is much bothered about amplifying agitprop. Most people want to avoid all that, so the committed freaks get to take the field.
Like the "Loughner is Jewish" thing: google is full of it, but how many people see any of that rubbish?
By far the vast amount of net traffic is to the main websites. So whilst there's a burgeoning far-right/conspiracist web presence it isn't obvious that they're actually getting much more trade. Hopefully they are all just milling around together, and any apparent growth is just them getting in touch with each other.
But I do think it's having an effect - and is itself an effect of the inability of 'traditional' politics to deliver, I guess. That's worrying. As much as some people like to imagine the present bad circumstances are an opportunity for the left (which it is, I guess) it is also a great opportunity for fascism. In the UK for example the right have been largely successful so far in blaming the crisis on the left. That's surely a joke, but the notion has a lot of traction.
When the left is incapable of power or unpopular and the people are grown completely cynical from failures of liberal democracy.....then we have Weimar type condition.
If Palin, or anyone else, can bring together Larry and the Nazis alongside more mainstream conservatives, they might be onto a winner.
I think that's what Palin and Ron Paul have been doing. But if Palin runs then Ron Paul won't be the candidate he was last time. I doubt he'll get anywhere near where he did before.
One of the things we have to thank for once is factionalism. Larry hates Palin even though she largely says just what he does.
L: Ron Paul may even sign orders to begin drilling for oil in places we should be drilling now
Palin: Drill, baby, drill.
L: Global warming but it's not man-made
Palin: Global warming affects Alaska, but is not man-made.
L: Supports ending D.C.’s 32-year-old ban on handguns.
Palin: Supports ending D.C.’s 32-year-old ban on handguns.
L: Greater competition, more choices, and less litigation in Healthcare.
Palin: Greater competition, more choices, and less litigation in Healthcare
L: Health care must be market-and business-driven.
Palin: Health care must be market-and business-driven.
L: Supports a path to citizenship, but no amnesty for illegals.
Palin: Supports a path to citizenship, but no amnesty for illegals.
L: Proud of being a Washington outsider.
Palin: Proud of being a Washington outsider.
L: Under Obama plan, small businesses will see tax increases.
Palin: Under Obama plan, small businesses will see tax increases.
L: Everybody benefits when government takes less.
Palin: Everybody benefits when government takes less.
L: No income tax; no taking the people’s dividends.
Palin: No income tax; no taking the people’s dividends.
See, its people like YOU that spew the bullshit. You repeat and repeat and repeat over and over already answered questions and old tiresome debunked crap. I have told you OVER AND FUCKING OVER you big fucking dickhead......I DO NOT DENY THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED. I NEVER HAVE! I HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID I DIDNT BELIEVE THERE WASNT CONCENTRATION CAMPS------but not a goddamned thing deters you from saying it, does it???
Holocaust denial is NOT NECESSARILY DENYING that there were a MASSIVE amount of people that died----it could be just denying the 6 million figure. Ive said this OVER AND OVER too---only for you fuckwads to keep REPEATING it!
You even ADMITTED there was NO WAY to verify ALL 6 million, right????
Socrates said:
"Now he keeps spamming some lame question of whether Jefferson was a terrorist or not to try to justify his own anti-social and terroristic proclamations."
How could I possibly SPAM the question over and over if you fucking ANSWERED it the first 6 times I asked it???
So answer the fucking question:
See, the answer is simple. [Hint: you either say YES or NO]
Hey LAST FAG LEFT, I ADMITTED that I didnt know that much on the holocaust way back when Dees was on the thread. That's why I sat back and watched you two debate it----and he made you look FOOLISH---just like I make YOU look when we debate 9-11....or...anything else. Dees MAY BE wrong [did you see that? If not, I will say it again....DEES MAY BE WRONG], but he sure made you look like a babbling idiot when you two debated it!
You don't learn so good, do you, Larry? Quit your insults, or you don't get to post. Simple.
L:"I have told you OVER AND FUCKING OVER you big fucking dickhead......I DO NOT DENY THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED."
Oh, and yet you find a Holocaust denier "convincing".....
You're simply being duplicitous and.or disingenuous.
You're SHOUTING about it?
Ok, well answer something?
What exactly did you find convincing about Dees' Holocaust denial?
Was it his repeating known lies about supposedly ICRC numbers refuting the Holocaust figures?
Or what? Do tell.....
anyway, this isn't a thread about Holocaust denial. It's about Rense.com being a laundering operation for far-right/NAzi propaganda to be passed into the patriot movement/conspiracy circles.
Rather than give a shit about the genuine Nazis in your midst, you pursue their agenda....."What's the evidence for the Holocaust....duh....Dees is convincing...."
You haven't ever shown the least concern for the Nazism lying thinly obscured behind your movement's leaders.
That's you doing work for Nazism. Not fighting nazism....but supporting it....promoting it...feeding it.
So....what was so convincing about Dees then, Larry?
larry, this guy loves to loose to you. your killing him. hes refuted nothing nor has he debunked anything youve said. hes a total fraud. its like a boxing match hes on his back and your standing over him with your hands raised.
"Oh, and yet you find a Holocaust denier "convincing"....."
When debating YOU and socrates....yes.
"Was it his repeating known lies about supposedly ICRC numbers refuting the Holocaust figures?"
You never PROVED they were lies.
"Rather than give a shit about the genuine Nazis in your midst, you pursue their agenda....."What's the evidence for the Holocaust....duh....Dees is convincing...."
You haven't ever shown the least concern for the Nazism lying thinly obscured behind your movement's leaders."
Yeah, that's why one of my favorite authors is Jim Marrs, who writes books talking about Nazis who came to America as a part of an effort called Operation paperclip and says there are Nazis in America right now-------he calls it "the fourth reich"---but you insult Marrs even though he EXPOSES the fact that Nazis are here. But youre right, I dont show the "least concern for the Nazism lying thinly obscured behind [my] movement's leaders"
Youre a pathetic scumbag.
"Was Thomas Jefferson a terrorist????????"
Im still waiting for the answer!
ME: "Was it [Dees'] repeating known lies about supposedly ICRC numbers refuting the Holocaust figures?"
L: You never PROVED they were lies.
Oh sure.....pointing to the statements by the ICRC themselves is "not proving" it! ???
If the word of the ICRC means anything - which Dees claims the numbers rest upon - their denial of having ever published such statistics must count for something? But apparently not.
Rather, Larry ignores this fact and instead finds Dees to be "convincing".
L: "...youre right, I dont show the "least concern for the Nazism lying thinly obscured behind [my] movement's leaders""
Indeed. So stop pretending you are against fascism? Stop pretending you oppose the "fascism" of Obama when you're gladly walking alongside genuine Nazis, eh?
Stop complaining it's something your enemies display but not your selves? Because it just isn't true. As you conceded when you removed the link to Willis Caro's AFP. Why did you do it if there's nothing wrong with promoting him and his agenda? And if you refuse to promote it, why defend those that will?
As to anyone being a terrorist.....
The insurrectionists were liable to being shot dead by the British. But they won. Hence it was "legal". IF they'd lost they'd have all been shot, probably.
It's ridiculous you now wish to use violence to overthrow a government because it makes your efforts to violently overthrow it a crime. What do you expect? The whole patriot thing about that is ridiculous: we want to overthrow the government! Why? Because they want to take away all our guns? Why? Because we want to overthrow the government! La di dah.
Anyway, what was it that you found convincing about Dees?
If the ICRC thing is the only thing, then you are simply impossible.
Holocaust denial is a really grubby business, Larry. All the leading lights of Holocaust denial have ties to Nazism - the people promoting it are not "liberals following their conscience". They are invariably Nazi sympathisers and apologists. Their real point is multifaceted, but essentially they seek to rehabilitate Nazism - by removing the taint of the Holocaust. Once that is considered, then comes the question of how Nazis became "wrongly" found guilty of the Holocaust. Of course it was those infernal Jews....right? Coz they own all the media, and write all the history and everything.... [so the nutters believe]
So, Holocaust denial leads to renewed accusations against Jews, of a character which mirrors those marshalled against the Jews in the first place ie those accusations in the 30s which were used to motivate and justify the Holocaust. Lying, manipulative, conspiring Joooos......and now they lied about the Holocaust too! And blamed it on the poor Nazis! Well wouldn't you know it?
Holocaust denial inevitably contributes to legitimisation of Nazim. It can't but help do so. And that's what Holocaust deniers are invariably most interested in achieving - a rehabilitation of Nazism, and a recasting of the crime as a Jewish lie and means of extortion and special privileges.
It's all quite despicable. I don't see why anyone has any truck with it.
When the ghettoes were cleared, and the people transported by train ended up at Auschwitz.....and just disappeared.......what happened to them, do you think?
There are blueprints for the crematoria at Auschwitz. Eyewitness testimony. Confessions. Technical papers. Correspondence. There are billions of pieces of evidence and it all seems to point to an inescapable fact - that it happened.
To fall upon one single (already discredited) document is a travesty - of your self-assumed title of "truthseeker", if nothing else.
Anyone who relies on such a document is supremely unsophisticated. It's already been wholly invalidated by the authority in question themselves - the ICRC totally repudiate such claims.
And you find that convincing, apparently, Larry. Shocking.
That was Dees' very first source too. Pathetic.
And how ridiculous is it to imagine one single document can determine whether the Holocaust happened or not? How stupid is that? Pretty dumb......but not as dumb as rehashing old, already long-discredited claims based on one single document. Very pathetic. And completely unethical. But what do you expect from Nazis?
Your news! lol
In all this reading, one question remains in my mind: were the Giffords and the Loughners in fact members of the same synagogue? All this anti-semitism etc aside, wouldn't that be a significant fact calling up the possibility that the shooting was related to social relations within that group, which is no different than a shooting within the social relations of a church or a neighborhood or an extended family? Semitism/anti-semitism seems beside the point.
But the evidence suggests he was not Jewish at all, was not a member of local synagogue etc etc.
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