Where's my hat tip for telling you it looks like PI is closing shop?
I must have a screenshot somewhere at All Aircraft Serve Chicken Wings of what you're talking about. One was meant to be at least a progressive libertarian or something. That anyone being to the right of the line should find another forum. I think the thingie you posted was when the place updated from being a Jew hating palace to a Stalinist one.
I smell a white walling going on, period.
Internet fake gets busted. Internet fake goes deleting.
There's that classic where she claims you are me.
I read somewhere that she was military intelligence for 20 years. It'd be nice to pin that broad down, as in real name and full resume. She's most likely to have been at the same Homeland Security Internet conference attended by Hal Turner.
Pin her down, then you have your Michael Rivero tied to military intelligence story. We already know he had an email address with the world's largest defense contractor.
This is riotous! Bet on it! Good stuff cheap! Tinoire's been p*wned!!!!
Hat-tip to Socrates.......for telling me "it looks like PI is closing shop."
Yeah, the image and the wording - the political distinctions - has definitely changed. I'm certain.
I might have an old copy about here somewhere.
What's funny about it is it says you are not welcome.....if you are "ruling class".
hehe. So, you're welcome if you're a working class Nazi....but a socialist leaning landed aristocrat wouldn't be?
I don't know how many "members of the ruling class" go on the internet and sign-up to crappy forums.....not many, I imagine. lol
As to Larry - keep spamming your list of questions (of which I've left at least 3 copies) and you will get deleted.
We're up to 6 times you have avoided answering "Are you an architect?".........you ain't gonna post until you answer it, Larry. We've been waiting 6 months for you to answer it already. You don't get to post here and spam your crap questions - not until you start answering some questions - and not until you can prove you can act with civility.
IT's called "fairplay" Larry.
And your posing as a wronged party does nothing to change it. It's just pathetic.
Sometimes I try to be funny. Hat tip, schmat schtip
According to Alexa stats, you are keeping Larry's website above water. He isn't even ranked for the United States. Apparently your geographical area is keeping him afloat.
We are both ahead of him according to Alexa, showing that it doesn't matter how many people click onto our blogger profiles.
This guy donkeytale might be blogging soon for DFQ2. I hope so. It can be a struggle to keep up with the Alex Jones. That was a joke. Keeping up with the Jones. Keeping up with the Alex Jones. Forget about it.
I guess it shows poor slobs like us can get our messages out. Probably because blogspot is google. They butter our bread pretty good.
I knew this guy in Ireland from Nigeria. We were all socialists, good people, poor (not saying destitute, yet friends could always hook you up for a meal or a pint, if one was in between the dole), antiwar. Anyway, he was studying business. He would say many times that he needed to become a millionaire. His philosophy was that you needed to be rich to make a difference. I guess he had a point to a point. Especially looking at money helping people get into public office.
My point is you are correct about PI being a caricature of itself. So a neonazi troofer is more than welcomed, but if that friend is now a good guy but rich, PI would tell him to get lost.
I think Tinoire's "military intelligence" post kind of says it all. But think also of this. PI had a new batch come in, totally Stalinist, almost to the point of anal retention. Just not organic. Who would support Stalinism?
It'd be nice if one day you said, "You know what, maybe there are no paystubs, but those people come across as being paid fockers."
I answered Larry's question about Operation Northwoods. Not sure how he missed that. He's simply spamming the joint.
He's obviously not an architect. More likely an artichoke. I don't even know what that means, sorry. He'd say if he was an architect, if he was. I think you can stop asking him that. He's a wingnut devoted to a conspiracy theory outlook every single topic. He's kind of predictable. He should be nicer to you. Without your generosity towards him, his website would clearly fall off the map. The blokes over on your side of the pond must be having a good laugh at his expense.
Oh yeah, I think Tinoire's new schtick is she's living in the mountains of South America working with some lefty group. Ha. I bet she's sipping cognac in some penthouse typing out propaganda anonymously throughout the blogosphere. But that's my tinfoil. I plead the fifth. p:> That's my signature smilie. It's a bird smiling. I hope it's never been used before. Perhaps the only question left, the-last-question-left, is what ever happened to the mysterious S. Boyle.
Hey! You're stepping on my intellectual property there!
I guess it shows poor slobs like us can get our messages out. Probably because blogspot is google. They butter our bread pretty good.
I am happy to give a shout out for google: they haven't stopped a single thing I've tried to say. (Granted - people saying other things might have a different experience.....but mine is all good. Zero interference......and automatic good listings in Google searches. I'm very, very grateful.......zero interference and a fantastic tool for nothing. Google seems to be offering a capitalist challenge to socialism - substance given away.....financed by profit elsewhere. Suggests to me capitalism is far from exhausted even as it develops the conditions for socialism.)
poor (not saying destitute, yet friends could always hook you up for a meal or a pint, if one was in between the dole), antiwar.
I feel uncomfortable outside of such conditions, tbh. needless to say, that's most of the time.....
His philosophy was that you needed to be rich to make a difference.
Yeah. Elsewhere I've seen the same point put under The CyberChrist Manifesto.
It's obviously true, but I still essentially reject it.
I'd suggest it is a form of financial vanguardism. It exploits the hierarchies and power basis of capitalist private property......to achieve the destruction of same. Hmmm. I'm quite happy to accept I might be completely wrong, but I really can't go along with such notions. "The more you act like god the more you become like god" -- from Manhunter, I think. I don't care for Vanguards. It will always be there, I guess, but I don't think it's a tendency to indulge.
As I understand it, major part of Leninism is the contribution of vanguardism - and the role of "The Party".
It can be seen as betrayal of the notion of socialism from below.
So, you've made yourself wealth (by exploiting people), and now you want to use that wealth to liberate the people you exploited?
The problem is obvious? :D
Having said that, it might well be more effective than anything I can think of.
Especially looking at money helping people get into public office.
Well, that's a major problem isn't it? But then......even so.....people themselves "consume" this political product. If the people didn't swallow it, it would be ineffective. That's the big "rub" for me.......people swallow it......
YOu, or I, can say "people should.....x y z..." And we all say such stuff. :)
But people do what they do.
What did George Orwell write in 1984? (I think it's a very similar description that's so twisted and condescending in Troofers' depictions of their "Sheeple")
If there is hope, wrote Winston, it lies in the proles. . . "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
Blah blah woof woof
So a neonazi troofer is more than welcomed, but if that friend is now a good guy but rich, PI would tell him to get lost.
Yeah - not to say champagne socialists aren't worthy of suspicion. They are. But still.....it's just plain silly of PI to break it down like that, imo. The working class can be extremely prejudiced. The working class can be extremely conservative, reactionary, racist, nationalist, blah blah blah.
PI's declaration also seems to suggest that if you disagree with their prevailing view then you must be "ruling class". That's just silly and smacks of (as you say) stalinism. It's so fucking crude.
PI had a new batch come in, totally Stalinist, almost to the point of anal retention. Just not organic. Who would support Stalinism?
I don't know how stalinist they are......but....who would support it? That's a toughie! ;)
There are arguments to be made in Stalin's favour though........none especially convincing imo. What a monster? I find it weird how he so fascinated me......being as he's such a monster. I ended up reading far more about Stalin than Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, or anything. Duh!
It'd be nice if one day you said, "You know what, maybe there are no paystubs, but those people come across as being paid fockers."
I don't think I even care about the "paid" bit. The "fockers" bit is all that matters (to me).
And I just don't know.
And.....the paystubs don't matter. It's the whole thing, man. :)
I answered Larry's question about Operation Northwoods. Not sure how he missed that. He's simply spamming the joint.
Well, you could go through all his questions..........and answer them one by one. But it won't do any good.......and he isn't going to start behaving honestly and with real integrity.
It might shut him up? But the questions are essentially all hypothetical, and only meant as a distraction. (Even if he doesn't realise it) And nothing will come of it. Other than more of the same.
There is no answer to it. But try? It's quite instructive to answer questions and find a torrent of abuse and malicious rhetoric and sophistry come back.
So there's no point. Well.....I always give in......and try to answer.....but it does no good. hehe
I wonder what would happen if you signed up to Rigorous Intuition.
Here's what Jeff Wells wrote in response to someone saying he didn't see anything from you that warranted a suspension.
Neither did I. It's just that some questions arose regarding his account that I need to clear up.
His goon admin said we were the same person, the exact bull that Tinoire spun. You could ask him what makea him think we are the same person.
I'm not sure you'd want to go back there, but you could also say hi to Sweejak.
I find it interesting how Agent99 said you were me also. Do I have that correct? So, that would make accusations about us beiong the same person having happened at WRH Unofficial, PI, RI, and BradBlog.
I think Tinoire has disappeared, prepared her website to vanish, and put a robots.txt on the thing precisely because I busted her. Others did too. I'm not trying to take full credit. Just a chunk of it. p:>
There's nothing wrong with you getting into studying Hitler and Stalin. They were two of the most influential mass murderers in history. That they had any support at all is some scary shite. Reich kind of explained it, Hitler anyway, as being a result of the social-psychology of the masses. They formed the bedrock for totalitarianism, as he put it.
On Larry, go to Alexa.com. Without you, he'd be at the lowest possible end of the rankings. He's not the brightest apple on the tree. It's sad to see him go with invectives and bold print. I answered maybe half of his questions, not sure, before realising I didn't want to write a novel on what ifs. What if his aunt had balls, if you know what I mean.
He said I didn't answer one of his questions. I said I thought the Government would have classified Operation Northwoods if it had actually taken place. It's a decent point he makes, but too much of the conspiracy crowd leans on things that don't matter, even if they are true.
Operation Northwoods shows a history that the US would consider a false flag on its own citizens. But that doesn't prove 9/11 was an inside job. He ruins the point by swearing, screaming, and going latent homosexual. People tend to tune that style out and categorise it as a madman screaming on the corner for filing purposes.
It's as if Larry believes if he "wins" this debate with you, it will make a difference. He has that keyboard commando mentality. I'm more like, I try to make a difference but am not thinking I'm getting any farther than facilitating some pockets of awareness. Maybe Larry has a crush on you and doesn't realise it. If he has the proof, he needs to disassociate from whackjobs and neonazis and instead lobby journalists, not some bloke from Wales who disagrees.
Cockrates? Larry sounds like he's 12 years old living in his Mom's basement and has cheetoh juice running down his shirt.
TLNL, maybe you can make an open thread for Larry. I don't mind a bit of off-topic, but he's clearly hijacking threads with his spam.
Larry, my problem with you isn't just that you're an anti-intellectual wingnut. I have better things to do than spend time with a troll. Next time avoid going off on anti-social rants, and people might give you a listen.
Let me guess. You have a girlfriend you beat on, and she never leaves you? I don't take abuse from anyone, buddy. Go get yourself some counseling. You are one very sick puppy.
I'm not fond of the term troll......but Larry is clearly spamming, has a record of avoiding simple questions, uses abuse and personal invective without pause, and is generally clueless as to conduct civil argument.
I enjoy disagreement......I'm happy for LArry to post pretty much whatever he likes. But he's avoiding relevant questions whilst spamming his own irrelevant ones.....and all whilst being a foul-mouthed twat about it, of course.
Maybe he's realising his utter insignificance. But instead of adjusting or relaxing or reflecting on that, he's lashing out at people with no power just speaking their minds. Sounds like he has mental illness. The thing is like you say, there is never a pause to his rudeness.
I also noticed that The Last FRAUD Left couldnt refute a word of my recent Keith Olbermann story where he LIED about climate change. Whats the matter Last Fraud Left? You hate those cold hard facts? Tell me something assmunch----Olbermann said that climate change is "where its supposed to get warm , it gets warm-ER, and where it's supposed to get cold, it gets cold-ER".
So, how are the ice caps MELTING? How are polar bears dying then? Olbermann said, "where its supposed to get cold, it gets COLD-ER"---so, that would mean the ice caps should be getting COLD-ER then????? Tell me Sherlock, where am I wrong on this one? How will you spin and divert from this?
"As for Olbermann - who is he? why should I care what he says? he isn't a scientist, presumably - why is his word definitive? it isn't."
Isnt it interesting that when you CLAIM you are debunking me [which youre not, only "attempting to"] then it doesnt MATTER if someone isn't a "scientist" or some authority on the subject, but when you have NO ANSWER and NO REFUTATION to offer, then all of a sudden, you give me the 'ole "who cares? they arent a scientist" crapola---as if you ONLY offer criticism when scientists speak! But when people ARE authorities on the subject [Ex: Richard Gage, Steven Jones, John Coleman, to only name a few] you say they're nutballs because they speak the TRUTH---and the only thing you can throw back in their faces are ad hominem attacks.
TLNL, please delete Larry's spam completely, so there isn't even a trace of it. Hit the boxes that say delete this post forever. He's ruining this thread. And he likes it that there is a trace that you are deleting. That's not censorship, because all he is doing is spamming the same crap over and over again.
That being said, I would like to share once again the story of how I was banned from Progressive Independent. Tinoire has shown up of late, and it appears she is going to pass on ownership of her blog to the others. But the damage is done. She admitted to being military intelligence. She has proven herself as being a rabid sponsor of Michael Rivero.
On this thread, I had shown up seeing that it dealt with my being treated lousy by Democratic Underground. This person called Kailassa kept bringing in the Joos. It had nothing to do with the thread. I called her out for spamming. I confronted her for being anti-semitic. I called out a poster named Virgil for using the term Jewboy in another thread.
Both her and Tinoire said I made that up. There's a reason the disinfo byaitchka named Tinoire has put a robots.txt on her dumbass website. It's so people can't search through the archives and more easily out that forum for being rigged. No true lefties would ever support Michael Rivero nor post anti-semitic thoughts.
A website named Prosemite Undercover watched my back. On this thread, people can see that I didn't lie about Virgil using the term Jewboy. Unless we're all in on this big conspiracy to discredit Progressive Independent. Yeah right, that's the ticket.
You need to scroll down page one of the prosemite undercover thread to see the copy and paste of what Virgil wrote. Thank you, Gi Joe, whoever you are.
Show me reality. Get as real as you can. Start a website and have the citizens gather to show their own big realities. Say socialism. Say depleted uranium. Say no more empire. Say getting the Jewboys out of American politics isn't antisemen- its pro-humanity and pro-American.
Tinoire has scrubbed her website early and often. She has done such a bad job of it, however, that somehow post numbers end up out of sync. In that one, for example, responses to my post #80 had a lower order number. Tinoire deleted every single one of my posts. I'm kind of shocked she didn't just delete the whole thing.
From the Prosemite site, one can see that this is what she wrote for post #87, which ironically now shows as one of my deleted posts:
It's damn bizarre that there's no such post on this forum. It's damn bizarre that there's no such post on this forum.
It's damn bizarre you "quoted" it but couldn't even provide a link, a thread title, a poster's name or anything.
It's damn bizarre that a search of posts using the forum's search capability and a MySQL search of our entire database revealed no such string as "play the jew card", much less the other rubbish you invented. The only result was in your post right here.
What's damn ugly is that the only result of a google search for this went straight to that right-wing pro-occupation forum that's so intent on quelling any support for justice in the Middle East.
What a crock of shit. This is such a despicable low.
When you can't find it, plant it huh? Had I researched that phrase before deactivating your account, my explanatory note would not have been as polite.
If you were truthful when you said you "do not like the Israeli govt. or what they are doing to the Palestinians" this is even more disturbing and I hope you examine yourself closely because the most charitable explanation is that you're very confused.
PU gave a link to that post. The link brings one to an edited post by Tinoire, now #77, used to be #87:
Edited by Tinoire on Sun Aug-26-07 01:32 PM
On edit. Damn I hate this
Let me translate that. She was saying she hates getting her smelly arse trollbusted!
As she wrote further down, I'm supposed to be part of some nasty cabal that goes around the net destroying all these forums doing such important activism.
It's much odder than that. I did some scrubbing yesterday. One of the ways I scrubbed changed the dates, mostly in the posts by "deactivated account". The OP got changed because I needed to remove the poster's moniker from the thread trail.
There's a pretty nasty game being played by people who go from forum to forum wreaking them to make sure all serious discussion gets discredited along with the rubbish they litter the forums with. We're just not going to play that game. When I have time, I'll fix that.
Problem is Tinoire can't "fix" being exposed as an internet disinfo writer. All she can do is come up with some fake script about being in South America or whatever in some mountains dealing with personal things, and that it's time for the "communists" to take over her forum. That the Joo haters and conspiracy theory freaks have been purged, and now the serious lefties can carry on the struggle. Laughing Out Loud!!!
The problem with that is her buddy Chlamor has also exposed himself as being a Michael Rivero sycophant.
Of course the scrubbing could get even more extreme. But it doesn't matter. Too much has been exposed, especially that tidbit about Tinoire having been military intelligence.
I see he also linked to a website named Serendipity. That sounds like it could be another Joo hating domain, but I don't have the time to confirm that. The fact that Chlamor linked to Rivero says it all. Someone who is meant to be the hardcore communist should not be linking to an obvious rightwinger like Rivero. PERIOD.
Hmmm. I see TLNL showed up here to do some good work. This thread calling out Rivero has yet to be scrubbed.
Anyone interested in putting a face to Mike Rivero might appreciate this.
Oh yeah, he's banned on Dem cover-up sites where criticism of Israel is un-American and criticism of Democratic Party complicity in our fast slide into fascism is verboten. Imagine that. A man who's been sounding the alarm for years and fighting to get the truth out since the Clinton days when ole Billy Boy and his policy triangulations were eviscerating the media & liberal politics... And he's verboten
I've mentioned my friend Desert Peace, aka Steve Amsel, before but not all of you know him. Steve and I met a few months ago after Daily Kos chased him (an Israeli lol) and international activist/artist Ben Heine off the site after a coordinated attack that involved several sites we know and the right wing newspaper Arutz Sheva.
Since then, both Steve and Ben have become good friends and close associates.
Saturday, Steve was interviewed by Mike Rivero and gives a candid interview of the conflict, from an Israeli Left-wing point of view that's deliberately buried in the US.
It's pretty clear to me that this Tinoire lady is the proverbial disinformation agent.
Desertpeace a "left-wing Israeli" view? they're joking?
I don't get the least impression desertpeace is a leftie. Desertpeace has that sophisticated censorship system whereby censored comments will only appear at the IP they were posted from ie it looks to the poster as if their comments are being published when in fact they are not.
And yeah - Interlocutor was me. Well spotted! lol
I forgot about that tbh. So maybe they did know me when they banned me before? What were the dates? Ah - no matter. They banned me twice.....for saying what I did. Am I "ruling class"......no. Then why isn't that website "for me" then? Why did they ban me if I'm not "ruling class"? hehe
y - Larry's making a mess. I might just delete it all in future. :D
TLNL, here's my take. They went with the bullshite that we are the same person to astroturf that our questioning Tinoire being in bed with Rivero is not a reasonable question. It's the same thing that happened to you at BradBlog. And it all started at that WRH "Unofficial" forum at around the same time. Hmmm. Now why would Tinoire be aware of the shenanigans going on at WRH unofficial?
We'd have to work a bit to confirm the timeline. Of course the thing actually started a bit earlier with the chemtrail website. May41970 was being peddled as being me.
You wrote that on August 30th, 2007. Hmmm. Maybe the goofy cybersmear script started at PI and not at the WRH Unofficial forum. I honestly don't know at this point.
Of course, the thing carried over to Rigorous Intuition. We know Tinoire is close to Jeff Wells. You see, I did a really good job linking all these fockers together. I mean, it wasn't rocket science, but I was the one doing it.
On that thread, Tinoire wrote on that same day August 30th, 2007:
Mothers Against Chemtrails Hi to all 19 of your pseudonyms [waving smilie]
The thing about me having all those pseudonyms actually got started many months previously, after I started debunking crazy chemtrail believers. Those people too by the way were linking to right wing websites like Rense and using terms like zionasi.
You showed up as interlocutor about a year later.
At the top of PI's forum index, it reads, "An oasis of independent thought
.... A New Day Is Dawning .."
Mike Rivero is the last person who'd ever be referred to as a progressive.
What's basically going on here is the meme being spread that there are good and bad Jewish people. But if you can't articulate that idea without referring to the "Jew card" or "those types of Jews" like Khaillisa or whoever did, or Virgil with his "Jewboy" phrase, then this is total rubbish. It's like that Ocean something forum you recently went up against. They like to refer to Israeli's as nazis. You just can't do that. It'd be like referring to an African-American spy as a spook. Spook has been a term used in a racist manner. Plus, just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they are even Israeli. Many Israeli's are disgusted themselves with their own government's policies towards the Palestinians. If you can't argue for a Palestinian homeland without sounding anti-semitic, then you are actually being the Palestinians' worst enemy. And there are good and bad of all races and ethnicites anyway.
I figure they tried to kill two birds with one stone, in reference to ourselves. They wanted people to believe we are the same dude. They wanted our finds which transcend us as individuals to seem like isolated rants not grounded in fact.
I actually stopped posting at Prosemite Undercover for three reasons. One, I didn't see much criticism of the Israel policies towards the Palestinians. Secondly, when I tried to spark a conversation on PI and its links to WRH and Rivero, not one of them bit. There was also a troll named seventhson, a friend of Jeff Wells and Andy Stephenson who at least one of them was defending. I got a bad feeling about PU, as if it was some type of controlled opposition. Or probably not. They seem to be blue dog Democrats (DLC types) and pro-Israel no matter what.
It's pretty funny how we have gotten the-last-laugh-left at Tinoire's and the others' (e.g. Rivero, DesertPeace, Agent99, Wells, et al) expenses.
"The same list of 10 pointless irrelevances.......26 times."
Translation: He keeps asking these very hard incriminating questions that no matter how I answer them, it would indicate how fraudulent I was on the 9-11 issue. So, in order to justify not answering them, I have to label the questions "irrelevant".
no, larry - it just means you have demanded answers to 260 questions whilst ignoring every one put to you.
It's pathetic how you avoid questions for 6/7 months......and then expect to be able to demand answers to your silly, irrlevant, hypothetical questions.
Does it never occur to you that there's no reason to suggest 911 was an "inside job" simply because Nothwoods did not happen.
GEt it?
Northwoods DID NOT HAPPEN - so why imagine it proves a 911 govt conspiracy DID?
You know about Northwoods because there is an apparently official document describing it. And it was NEVER IMPLEMENTED.
What you miss is that you don't have a Northwoods document for 911.
1) Northwoods NEVER HAPPENED. 2) You don't even have an equivalent piece of evidence for 911.
So....you have nothing. That's the fact.
Now - are you an architect Larry?
Why do you believe BEllone, Larry? (Why should anyone else?)
WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE HOW for controlled Demolition, Larry?
Notice these are simple and direct questions......which are simply asking for
1) a fact 2) your opinion on a definite situation (Bellone's honesty) 3) your opinion (about your own 911 explanation)
Simple - compared to your silly and protracted hypotheticals.
Any chance you guys can discuss this in a thread devoted to 9/11 conspiracy theory? I've worked long and hard on outing internet fakes like Tinoire, and I don't appreciate this type of thread being hijacked.
By the way, TLNL, the Operation Northwoods false flag plan appears to have been true. It also appears that a group called the Plan for the New American Century made the following statement. This is from Wikipedia. The proof appears to be in pdf form, and I'm not going to go looking for the exact proof.
Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"
Not exactly the same as Operation Northwoods. Doesn't prove squat. But seriously, it's not cool that this thread's purpose is being taken into these other off-topic areas. I'm not saying it's your fault either, TLNL. Larry is a troll, period. A freaking wingnut of epic proportions. A latent homosexual to boot, as shown in his anti-social rants on other occasions. I've nothing against homosexuality. But with a guy like Larry, the latent type, he should really seek some counseling for that.
Here's Larry responding on his own blog to a debunker who repeatedly posted questions for Larry:
I dont moderate to silence you, I moderate so people arent scrolling through a mile-long post that posted 15 times (for NO reason) other than to show you're mentally disturbed and acting like a 2 year old. Everyone that reads these posts can clearly, CLEARLY see that you are just a big windbag with absolutely NO substance, no debating skills, no intelligence---and as we see above---you ADMIT that you were gonna post the same post over and over-----in OTHER words: YOU LOST THE WAR ON FACTS, because since you admitted that you were gonna post it over and over---that means you cant even refute my claims...not WONT...CANT! Because people like YOU are worthless, shameful, a disgrace to America---and very very cowardly. Larry's hypocrisy
Where's my hat tip for telling you it looks like PI is closing shop?
I must have a screenshot somewhere at All Aircraft Serve Chicken Wings of what you're talking about. One was meant to be at least a progressive libertarian or something. That anyone being to the right of the line should find another forum. I think the thingie you posted was when the place updated from being a Jew hating palace to a Stalinist one.
I smell a white walling going on, period.
Internet fake gets busted. Internet fake goes deleting.
There's that classic where she claims you are me.
I read somewhere that she was military intelligence for 20 years. It'd be nice to pin that broad down, as in real name and full resume. She's most likely to have been at the same Homeland Security Internet conference attended by Hal Turner.
Pin her down, then you have your Michael Rivero tied to military intelligence story. We already know he had an email address with the world's largest defense contractor.
This is riotous! Bet on it! Good stuff cheap! Tinoire's been p*wned!!!!
The robots.txt block is a strategy used by cheaters.
I can't remember where I put that screenshot of the original line she had up.
Here's proof she sponsored What Really Happened.
Sorry I can't find that thing so quickly. It's somewhere.
Hat-tip to Socrates.......for telling me "it looks like PI is closing shop."
Yeah, the image and the wording - the political distinctions - has definitely changed. I'm certain.
I might have an old copy about here somewhere.
What's funny about it is it says you are not welcome.....if you are "ruling class".
hehe. So, you're welcome if you're a working class Nazi....but a socialist leaning landed aristocrat wouldn't be?
I don't know how many "members of the ruling class" go on the internet and sign-up to crappy forums.....not many, I imagine. lol
As to Larry - keep spamming your list of questions (of which I've left at least 3 copies) and you will get deleted.
We're up to 6 times you have avoided answering "Are you an architect?".........you ain't gonna post until you answer it, Larry. We've been waiting 6 months for you to answer it already. You don't get to post here and spam your crap questions - not until you start answering some questions - and not until you can prove you can act with civility.
IT's called "fairplay" Larry.
And your posing as a wronged party does nothing to change it. It's just pathetic.
Sometimes I try to be funny. Hat tip, schmat schtip
According to Alexa stats, you are keeping Larry's website above water. He isn't even ranked for the United States. Apparently your geographical area is keeping him afloat.
We are both ahead of him according to Alexa, showing that it doesn't matter how many people click onto our blogger profiles.
This guy donkeytale might be blogging soon for DFQ2. I hope so. It can be a struggle to keep up with the Alex Jones. That was a joke. Keeping up with the Jones. Keeping up with the Alex Jones. Forget about it.
I guess it shows poor slobs like us can get our messages out. Probably because blogspot is google. They butter our bread pretty good.
I knew this guy in Ireland from Nigeria. We were all socialists, good people, poor (not saying destitute, yet friends could always hook you up for a meal or a pint, if one was in between the dole), antiwar. Anyway, he was studying business. He would say many times that he needed to become a millionaire. His philosophy was that you needed to be rich to make a difference. I guess he had a point to a point. Especially looking at money helping people get into public office.
My point is you are correct about PI being a caricature of itself. So a neonazi troofer is more than welcomed, but if that friend is now a good guy but rich, PI would tell him to get lost.
I think Tinoire's "military intelligence" post kind of says it all. But think also of this. PI had a new batch come in, totally Stalinist, almost to the point of anal retention. Just not organic. Who would support Stalinism?
It'd be nice if one day you said, "You know what, maybe there are no paystubs, but those people come across as being paid fockers."
I answered Larry's question about Operation Northwoods. Not sure how he missed that. He's simply spamming the joint.
He's obviously not an architect. More likely an artichoke. I don't even know what that means, sorry. He'd say if he was an architect, if he was. I think you can stop asking him that. He's a wingnut devoted to a conspiracy theory outlook every single topic. He's kind of predictable. He should be nicer to you. Without your generosity towards him, his website would clearly fall off the map. The blokes over on your side of the pond must be having a good laugh at his expense.
Oh yeah, I think Tinoire's new schtick is she's living in the mountains of South America working with some lefty group. Ha. I bet she's sipping cognac in some penthouse typing out propaganda anonymously throughout the blogosphere. But that's my tinfoil. I plead the fifth. p:> That's my signature smilie. It's a bird smiling. I hope it's never been used before. Perhaps the only question left, the-last-question-left, is what ever happened to the mysterious S. Boyle.
the only question left
Hey! You're stepping on my intellectual property there!
I guess it shows poor slobs like us can get our messages out. Probably because blogspot is google. They butter our bread pretty good.
I am happy to give a shout out for google: they haven't stopped a single thing I've tried to say. (Granted - people saying other things might have a different experience.....but mine is all good. Zero interference......and automatic good listings in Google searches. I'm very, very grateful.......zero interference and a fantastic tool for nothing. Google seems to be offering a capitalist challenge to socialism - substance given away.....financed by profit elsewhere. Suggests to me capitalism is far from exhausted even as it develops the conditions for socialism.)
poor (not saying destitute, yet friends could always hook you up for a meal or a pint, if one was in between the dole), antiwar.
I feel uncomfortable outside of such conditions, tbh. needless to say, that's most of the time.....
His philosophy was that you needed to be rich to make a difference.
Yeah. Elsewhere I've seen the same point put under The CyberChrist Manifesto.
It's obviously true, but I still essentially reject it.
I'd suggest it is a form of financial vanguardism. It exploits the hierarchies and power basis of capitalist private property......to achieve the destruction of same. Hmmm. I'm quite happy to accept I might be completely wrong, but I really can't go along with such notions. "The more you act like god the more you become like god" -- from Manhunter, I think. I don't care for Vanguards. It will always be there, I guess, but I don't think it's a tendency to indulge.
As I understand it, major part of Leninism is the contribution of vanguardism - and the role of "The Party".
It can be seen as betrayal of the notion of socialism from below.
So, you've made yourself wealth (by exploiting people), and now you want to use that wealth to liberate the people you exploited?
The problem is obvious? :D
Having said that, it might well be more effective than anything I can think of.
Especially looking at money helping people get into public office.
Well, that's a major problem isn't it? But then......even so.....people themselves "consume" this political product. If the people didn't swallow it, it would be ineffective. That's the big "rub" for me.......people swallow it......
YOu, or I, can say "people should.....x y z..." And we all say such stuff. :)
But people do what they do.
What did George Orwell write in 1984? (I think it's a very similar description that's so twisted and condescending in Troofers' depictions of their "Sheeple")
Orwell said:
If there is hope, wrote Winston, it lies in the proles.
"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
Blah blah woof woof
So a neonazi troofer is more than welcomed, but if that friend is now a good guy but rich, PI would tell him to get lost.
Yeah - not to say champagne socialists aren't worthy of suspicion. They are. But still.....it's just plain silly of PI to break it down like that, imo. The working class can be extremely prejudiced. The working class can be extremely conservative, reactionary, racist, nationalist, blah blah blah.
PI's declaration also seems to suggest that if you disagree with their prevailing view then you must be "ruling class". That's just silly and smacks of (as you say) stalinism. It's so fucking crude.
PI had a new batch come in, totally Stalinist, almost to the point of anal retention. Just not organic. Who would support Stalinism?
I don't know how stalinist they are......but....who would support it? That's a toughie! ;)
There are arguments to be made in Stalin's favour though........none especially convincing imo. What a monster? I find it weird how he so fascinated me......being as he's such a monster. I ended up reading far more about Stalin than Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, or anything. Duh!
It'd be nice if one day you said, "You know what, maybe there are no paystubs, but those people come across as being paid fockers."
I don't think I even care about the "paid" bit. The "fockers" bit is all that matters (to me).
And I just don't know.
And.....the paystubs don't matter. It's the whole thing, man. :)
I answered Larry's question about Operation Northwoods. Not sure how he missed that. He's simply spamming the joint.
Well, you could go through all his questions..........and answer them one by one. But it won't do any good.......and he isn't going to start behaving honestly and with real integrity.
It might shut him up? But the questions are essentially all hypothetical, and only meant as a distraction. (Even if he doesn't realise it) And nothing will come of it. Other than more of the same.
There is no answer to it. But try? It's quite instructive to answer questions and find a torrent of abuse and malicious rhetoric and sophistry come back.
So there's no point. Well.....I always give in......and try to answer.....but it does no good. hehe
I wonder what would happen if you signed up to Rigorous Intuition.
Here's what Jeff Wells wrote in response to someone saying he didn't see anything from you that warranted a suspension.
Neither did I. It's just that some questions arose regarding his account that I need to clear up.
His goon admin said we were the same person, the exact bull that Tinoire spun. You could ask him what makea him think we are the same person.
I'm not sure you'd want to go back there, but you could also say hi to Sweejak.
I find it interesting how Agent99 said you were me also. Do I have that correct? So, that would make accusations about us beiong the same person having happened at WRH Unofficial, PI, RI, and BradBlog.
I think Tinoire has disappeared, prepared her website to vanish, and put a robots.txt on the thing precisely because I busted her. Others did too. I'm not trying to take full credit. Just a chunk of it. p:>
There's nothing wrong with you getting into studying Hitler and Stalin. They were two of the most influential mass murderers in history. That they had any support at all is some scary shite. Reich kind of explained it, Hitler anyway, as being a result of the social-psychology of the masses. They formed the bedrock for totalitarianism, as he put it.
On Larry, go to Alexa.com. Without you, he'd be at the lowest possible end of the rankings. He's not the brightest apple on the tree. It's sad to see him go with invectives and bold print. I answered maybe half of his questions, not sure, before realising I didn't want to write a novel on what ifs. What if his aunt had balls, if you know what I mean.
He said I didn't answer one of his questions. I said I thought the Government would have classified Operation Northwoods if it had actually taken place. It's a decent point he makes, but too much of the conspiracy crowd leans on things that don't matter, even if they are true.
Operation Northwoods shows a history that the US would consider a false flag on its own citizens. But that doesn't prove 9/11 was an inside job. He ruins the point by swearing, screaming, and going latent homosexual. People tend to tune that style out and categorise it as a madman screaming on the corner for filing purposes.
It's as if Larry believes if he "wins" this debate with you, it will make a difference. He has that keyboard commando mentality. I'm more like, I try to make a difference but am not thinking I'm getting any farther than facilitating some pockets of awareness. Maybe Larry has a crush on you and doesn't realise it. If he has the proof, he needs to disassociate from whackjobs and neonazis and instead lobby journalists, not some bloke from Wales who disagrees.
Cockrates? Larry sounds like he's 12 years old living in his Mom's basement and has cheetoh juice running down his shirt.
TLNL, maybe you can make an open thread for Larry. I don't mind a bit of off-topic, but he's clearly hijacking threads with his spam.
Larry, my problem with you isn't just that you're an anti-intellectual wingnut. I have better things to do than spend time with a troll. Next time avoid going off on anti-social rants, and people might give you a listen.
Let me guess. You have a girlfriend you beat on, and she never leaves you? I don't take abuse from anyone, buddy. Go get yourself some counseling. You are one very sick puppy.
that must be 7 or 8 times you have avoided answering the questions Larry.
9 months we wait for you to answer......until you do, you're not spamming your own stupid questions.
Fuck off, Larry.
Larry has avoided answering the question whether he is an architect for the 8th time in a few days.
tut tut
No posting til you start playing ball, L.
I'm done with him no matter what. I don't waste time on trolls, unless they are somewhat entertaining and don't spam.
He's just a tit - and malicious with it.
I'm not fond of the term troll......but Larry is clearly spamming, has a record of avoiding simple questions, uses abuse and personal invective without pause, and is generally clueless as to conduct civil argument.
I enjoy disagreement......I'm happy for LArry to post pretty much whatever he likes. But he's avoiding relevant questions whilst spamming his own irrelevant ones.....and all whilst being a foul-mouthed twat about it, of course.
Maybe he's realising his utter insignificance. But instead of adjusting or relaxing or reflecting on that, he's lashing out at people with no power just speaking their minds. Sounds like he has mental illness. The thing is like you say, there is never a pause to his rudeness.
I also noticed that The Last FRAUD Left couldnt refute a word of my recent Keith Olbermann story where he LIED about climate change. Whats the matter Last Fraud Left? You hate those cold hard facts? Tell me something assmunch----Olbermann said that climate change is "where its supposed to get warm , it gets warm-ER, and where it's supposed to get cold, it gets cold-ER".
So, how are the ice caps MELTING? How are polar bears dying then? Olbermann said, "where its supposed to get cold, it gets COLD-ER"---so, that would mean the ice caps should be getting COLD-ER then????? Tell me Sherlock, where am I wrong on this one? How will you spin and divert from this?
11 times Larry has avoided the questions.
As for Olbermann - who is he? why should I care what he says? he isn't a scientist, presumably - why is his word definitive? it isn't.
"As for Olbermann - who is he? why should I care what he says? he isn't a scientist, presumably - why is his word definitive? it isn't."
Isnt it interesting that when you CLAIM you are debunking me [which youre not, only "attempting to"] then it doesnt MATTER if someone isn't a "scientist" or some authority on the subject, but when you have NO ANSWER and NO REFUTATION to offer, then all of a sudden, you give me the 'ole "who cares? they arent a scientist" crapola---as if you ONLY offer criticism when scientists speak! But when people ARE authorities on the subject [Ex: Richard Gage, Steven Jones, John Coleman, to only name a few] you say they're nutballs because they speak the TRUTH---and the only thing you can throw back in their faces are ad hominem attacks.
You are a COMPLETE, 100% unequivocal FRAUD.
TLNL, please delete Larry's spam completely, so there isn't even a trace of it. Hit the boxes that say delete this post forever. He's ruining this thread. And he likes it that there is a trace that you are deleting. That's not censorship, because all he is doing is spamming the same crap over and over again.
That being said, I would like to share once again the story of how I was banned from Progressive Independent. Tinoire has shown up of late, and it appears she is going to pass on ownership of her blog to the others. But the damage is done. She admitted to being military intelligence. She has proven herself as being a rabid sponsor of Michael Rivero.
On this thread, I had shown up seeing that it dealt with my being treated lousy by Democratic Underground. This person called Kailassa kept bringing in the Joos. It had nothing to do with the thread. I called her out for spamming. I confronted her for being anti-semitic. I called out a poster named Virgil for using the term Jewboy in another thread.
Both her and Tinoire said I made that up. There's a reason the disinfo byaitchka named Tinoire has put a robots.txt on her dumbass website. It's so people can't search through the archives and more easily out that forum for being rigged. No true lefties would ever support Michael Rivero nor post anti-semitic thoughts.
A website named Prosemite Undercover watched my back. On this thread, people can see that I didn't lie about Virgil using the term Jewboy. Unless we're all in on this big conspiracy to discredit Progressive Independent. Yeah right, that's the ticket.
You need to scroll down page one of the prosemite undercover thread to see the copy and paste of what Virgil wrote. Thank you, Gi Joe, whoever you are.
Show me reality. Get as real as you can. Start a website and have the citizens gather to show their own big realities. Say socialism. Say depleted uranium. Say no more empire. Say getting the Jewboys out of American politics isn't antisemen- its pro-humanity and pro-American.
Tinoire has scrubbed her website early and often. She has done such a bad job of it, however, that somehow post numbers end up out of sync. In that one, for example, responses to my post #80 had a lower order number. Tinoire deleted every single one of my posts. I'm kind of shocked she didn't just delete the whole thing.
From the Prosemite site, one can see that this is what she wrote for post #87, which ironically now shows as one of my deleted posts:
It's damn bizarre that there's no such post on this forum. It's damn bizarre that there's no such post on this forum.
It's damn bizarre you "quoted" it but couldn't even provide a link, a thread title, a poster's name or anything.
It's damn bizarre that a search of posts using the forum's search capability and a MySQL search of our entire database revealed no such string as "play the jew card", much less the other rubbish you invented. The only result was in your post right here.
What's damn ugly is that the only result of a google search for this went straight to that right-wing pro-occupation forum that's so intent on quelling any support for justice in the Middle East.
What a crock of shit. This is such a despicable low.
When you can't find it, plant it huh? Had I researched that phrase before deactivating your account, my explanatory note would not have been as polite.
If you were truthful when you said you "do not like the Israeli govt. or what they are doing to the Palestinians" this is even more disturbing and I hope you examine yourself closely because the most charitable explanation is that you're very confused.
PU gave a link to that post. The link brings one to an edited post by Tinoire, now #77, used to be #87:
Edited by Tinoire on Sun Aug-26-07 01:32 PM
On edit. Damn I hate this
Let me translate that. She was saying she hates getting her smelly arse trollbusted!
As she wrote further down, I'm supposed to be part of some nasty cabal that goes around the net destroying all these forums doing such important activism.
It's much odder than that. I did some scrubbing yesterday. One of the ways I scrubbed changed the dates, mostly in the posts by "deactivated account". The OP got changed because I needed to remove the poster's moniker from the thread trail.
There's a pretty nasty game being played by people who go from forum to forum wreaking them to make sure all serious discussion gets discredited along with the rubbish they litter the forums with. We're just not going to play that game. When I have time, I'll fix that.
Problem is Tinoire can't "fix" being exposed as an internet disinfo writer. All she can do is come up with some fake script about being in South America or whatever in some mountains dealing with personal things, and that it's time for the "communists" to take over her forum. That the Joo haters and conspiracy theory freaks have been purged, and now the serious lefties can carry on the struggle. Laughing Out Loud!!!
The problem with that is her buddy Chlamor has also exposed himself as being a Michael Rivero sycophant.
Of course the scrubbing could get even more extreme. But it doesn't matter. Too much has been exposed, especially that tidbit about Tinoire having been military intelligence.
Chlamor linking to Rivero
I see he also linked to a website named Serendipity. That sounds like it could be another Joo hating domain, but I don't have the time to confirm that. The fact that Chlamor linked to Rivero says it all. Someone who is meant to be the hardcore communist should not be linking to an obvious rightwinger like Rivero. PERIOD.
Hmmm. I see TLNL showed up here to do some good work. This thread calling out Rivero has yet to be scrubbed.
I guess I should do some more overkill. On this thread Tinoire sent out kudos to Michael Rivero.
... the information propagated by my Mike Rivero at whatreallyhappened.com - Gotta plug Mike since the moderates are so bent on discrediting his site!
Or here:
Anyone interested in putting a face to Mike Rivero might appreciate this.
Oh yeah, he's banned on Dem cover-up sites where criticism of Israel is un-American and criticism of Democratic Party complicity in our fast slide into fascism is verboten. Imagine that. A man who's been sounding the alarm for years and fighting to get the truth out since the Clinton days when ole Billy Boy and his policy triangulations were eviscerating the media & liberal politics... And he's verboten
Or here:
I've mentioned my friend Desert Peace, aka Steve Amsel, before but not all of you know him. Steve and I met a few months ago after Daily Kos chased him (an Israeli lol) and international activist/artist Ben Heine off the site after a coordinated attack that involved several sites we know and the right wing newspaper Arutz Sheva.
Since then, both Steve and Ben have become good friends and close associates.
Saturday, Steve was interviewed by Mike Rivero and gives a candid interview of the conflict, from an Israeli Left-wing point of view that's deliberately buried in the US.
It's pretty clear to me that this Tinoire lady is the proverbial disinformation agent.
Desertpeace a "left-wing Israeli" view? they're joking?
I don't get the least impression desertpeace is a leftie. Desertpeace has that sophisticated censorship system whereby censored comments will only appear at the IP they were posted from ie it looks to the poster as if their comments are being published when in fact they are not.
And yeah - Interlocutor was me. Well spotted! lol
I forgot about that tbh. So maybe they did know me when they banned me before? What were the dates? Ah - no matter. They banned me twice.....for saying what I did. Am I "ruling class"......no. Then why isn't that website "for me" then? Why did they ban me if I'm not "ruling class"? hehe
y - Larry's making a mess. I might just delete it all in future. :D
26 times Larry has posted that same thing........and thereby 26 times has refused to answer a straightforward question -- "Are you an architect?"
He's avoided answering it for 6 months. Brave.
The same list of 10 pointless irrelevances.......26 times.
On our "left-wing israeli" Desertpeace, I wrote this back in July:
Interestingly, WRH has yet another Desertpeace article posted today - that's 3 in a row.
Friendly, and self-promoting aren't they?
The Desertpeace article is actually a cut-and-paste of a WorldNetDaily (WND) article by Aaron Kline.
leftwing? WorldNetDaily? ! ! !
Aaron Klien (not Kline) is a cutesy for Farrah's WorldNetDaily......and FOX.
All good left-wing stuff, of course. Hence its appearance at "leftwing Israeli" Desertpeace's blog.
Are these people stupid.........or....... lol
oh y- i forgot this:
Aaron Klein fabricates his own Obama scandal, WorldNetDaily and Fox News report it
Obama birthers at "leftwing" desertpeace?
TLNL, here's my take. They went with the bullshite that we are the same person to astroturf that our questioning Tinoire being in bed with Rivero is not a reasonable question. It's the same thing that happened to you at BradBlog. And it all started at that WRH "Unofficial" forum at around the same time. Hmmm. Now why would Tinoire be aware of the shenanigans going on at WRH unofficial?
We'd have to work a bit to confirm the timeline. Of course the thing actually started a bit earlier with the chemtrail website. May41970 was being peddled as being me.
I've found your original postings at PI as TLNL.
Question - Who Owns P.I.?
You wrote that on August 30th, 2007. Hmmm. Maybe the goofy cybersmear script started at PI and not at the WRH Unofficial forum. I honestly don't know at this point.
Of course, the thing carried over to Rigorous Intuition. We know Tinoire is close to Jeff Wells. You see, I did a really good job linking all these fockers together. I mean, it wasn't rocket science, but I was the one doing it.
On that thread, Tinoire wrote on that same day August 30th, 2007:
Mothers Against Chemtrails Hi to all 19 of your pseudonyms [waving smilie]
The thing about me having all those pseudonyms actually got started many months previously, after I started debunking crazy chemtrail believers. Those people too by the way were linking to right wing websites like Rense and using terms like zionasi.
You showed up as interlocutor about a year later.
At the top of PI's forum index, it reads, "An oasis of independent thought
.... A New Day Is Dawning .."
Mike Rivero is the last person who'd ever be referred to as a progressive.
What's basically going on here is the meme being spread that there are good and bad Jewish people. But if you can't articulate that idea without referring to the "Jew card" or "those types of Jews" like Khaillisa or whoever did, or Virgil with his "Jewboy" phrase, then this is total rubbish. It's like that Ocean something forum you recently went up against. They like to refer to Israeli's as nazis. You just can't do that. It'd be like referring to an African-American spy as a spook. Spook has been a term used in a racist manner. Plus, just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they are even Israeli. Many Israeli's are disgusted themselves with their own government's policies towards the Palestinians. If you can't argue for a Palestinian homeland without sounding anti-semitic, then you are actually being the Palestinians' worst enemy. And there are good and bad of all races and ethnicites anyway.
I figure they tried to kill two birds with one stone, in reference to ourselves. They wanted people to believe we are the same dude. They wanted our finds which transcend us as individuals to seem like isolated rants not grounded in fact.
I actually stopped posting at Prosemite Undercover for three reasons. One, I didn't see much criticism of the Israel policies towards the Palestinians. Secondly, when I tried to spark a conversation on PI and its links to WRH and Rivero, not one of them bit. There was also a troll named seventhson, a friend of Jeff Wells and Andy Stephenson who at least one of them was defending. I got a bad feeling about PU, as if it was some type of controlled opposition. Or probably not. They seem to be blue dog Democrats (DLC types) and pro-Israel no matter what.
It's pretty funny how we have gotten the-last-laugh-left at Tinoire's and the others' (e.g. Rivero, DesertPeace, Agent99, Wells, et al) expenses.
"The same list of 10 pointless irrelevances.......26 times."
Translation: He keeps asking these very hard incriminating questions that no matter how I answer them, it would indicate how fraudulent I was on the 9-11 issue. So, in order to justify not answering them, I have to label the questions "irrelevant".
no, larry - it just means you have demanded answers to 260 questions whilst ignoring every one put to you.
It's pathetic how you avoid questions for 6/7 months......and then expect to be able to demand answers to your silly, irrlevant, hypothetical questions.
Does it never occur to you that there's no reason to suggest 911 was an "inside job" simply because Nothwoods did not happen.
GEt it?
Northwoods DID NOT HAPPEN - so why imagine it proves a 911 govt conspiracy DID?
You know about Northwoods because there is an apparently official document describing it. And it was NEVER IMPLEMENTED.
What you miss is that you don't have a Northwoods document for 911.
1) Northwoods NEVER HAPPENED.
2) You don't even have an equivalent piece of evidence for 911.
So....you have nothing. That's the fact.
Now - are you an architect Larry?
Why do you believe BEllone, Larry? (Why should anyone else?)
WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE HOW for controlled Demolition, Larry?
Notice these are simple and direct questions......which are simply asking for
1) a fact
2) your opinion on a definite situation (Bellone's honesty)
3) your opinion (about your own 911 explanation)
Simple - compared to your silly and protracted hypotheticals.
You're such a coward.
Any chance you guys can discuss this in a thread devoted to 9/11 conspiracy theory? I've worked long and hard on outing internet fakes like Tinoire, and I don't appreciate this type of thread being hijacked.
By the way, TLNL, the Operation Northwoods false flag plan appears to have been true. It also appears that a group called the Plan for the New American Century made the following statement. This is from Wikipedia. The proof appears to be in pdf form, and I'm not going to go looking for the exact proof.
Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"
Not exactly the same as Operation Northwoods. Doesn't prove squat. But seriously, it's not cool that this thread's purpose is being taken into these other off-topic areas. I'm not saying it's your fault either, TLNL. Larry is a troll, period. A freaking wingnut of epic proportions. A latent homosexual to boot, as shown in his anti-social rants on other occasions. I've nothing against homosexuality. But with a guy like Larry, the latent type, he should really seek some counseling for that.
Here's Larry responding on his own blog to a debunker who repeatedly posted questions for Larry:
I dont moderate to silence you, I moderate so people arent scrolling through a mile-long post that posted 15 times (for NO reason) other than to show you're mentally disturbed and acting like a 2 year old. Everyone that reads these posts can clearly, CLEARLY see that you are just a big windbag with absolutely NO substance, no debating skills, no intelligence---and as we see above---you ADMIT that you were gonna post the same post over and over-----in OTHER words: YOU LOST THE WAR ON FACTS, because since you admitted that you were gonna post it over and over---that means you cant even refute my claims...not WONT...CANT! Because people like YOU are worthless, shameful, a disgrace to America---and very very cowardly.
Larry's hypocrisy
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