Tuesday 4 May 2010

The NY 'bomber' is Pakistan-born........Prisonplanet backpedals.....

Here's Prisonplanet today, backpedaling from their earlier claims that the Times Sq. car-bomb incident was "an obvious false flag" by...errr.....you know who.....:
Authorities were initially confident that there was no foreign involvement in the bomb plot, but the Pakistani connection now opens a window of opportunity for the Obama administration to not let a good crisis go to waste, as Rahm Emanuel would advise, and use the incident as propaganda for the war on terror and an expansion of predator drone attacks inside Pakistan
Notice how now it morphs into just another "crisis" which can be cynically exploited by Rahm Emanuel. Suddenly it isn't so obviously "false flag".....suddenly it isn't an indication of a vast socialist-liberal government conspiracy against "peaceful gun-lovers"......right.

Just days ago (yesterday?) Alex Jones wrote/published this:
We have been warning for weeks about an imminent false flag domestic terror attack that would be used to demonize the government’s political opposition and this appears to have been such an attempt. It just remains to be seen who will be fingered as the culprit by an establishment media straining at the leash to justify characterizations of angry but non-violent Americans as dangerous extremists.
Funny, but why was Alex Jones so concerned it might be "blamed" on teaparty, patriots, Troofers? Seems like he was half-expecting it to be "blamed" on them? Or was he - like others - half-expecting them to be responsible - not merely "blamed"?

Worth reiterating the (now obviously ludicrous) claims of Prisonplanet's Kurt Nimrod from yesterday -
It is a feeding frenzy for the government-loving progressives. The corporate media has yet to pin the blame on the Tea Party. In the next few hours or day, they will jump on the bandwagon after “officials” arrest the white guy captured in the security video now posted all over the web.

Given Obama’s recent plea to everyone but white males for votes in the upcoming election, it’s safe to say they are going to do everything they can to pin this bombing on the Tea Party Movement. Just wait and see,” writes The Nation in Crisis Blog.

So much for those predictions then.........

They had also published some article blaming Israel in some incomprehensibly tortured conspiracist fashion:
Times Sqaure Bomb Hoax: Isreali Intel Group Shows It’s Hand

Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli “false flag” bombing against the US “in the works” a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world could discover anyone claiming responsibility for this embarrassing failure, SITE Intelligence, a group rumored as the “voice of the Mossad” has placed the blame on the Pakistani Taliban.

Note how the bomb is now "massive".

That was May 3rd.......but here's Prisonplanet's Kurt Nimmrod on May rd:
Expect the idiots who smeared peaceful Americans as terrorists on a whim to also back off quietly with their tails between their legs as their drivel is debunked by the fact the prime suspect likely has nothing to do with the Tea Parties.
Sorry - but what about the people (YOU, ALEX JONES!) who smeared the authorities by claiming it was they whom were responsible for the bombing? All predicated on a belief the Government is motivated by an insatiable lust to demonise and exterminate the TeaParty, Troofers and other Twats........or does "smearing" only work one way? Yeah, right......

Here's AJ again, from May 3rd, before 'the Pakistan connection' was announced:
We have been warning for weeks about an imminent false flag domestic terror attack that would be used to demonize the government’s political opposition and this appears to have been such an attempt. It just remains to be seen who will be fingered as the culprit by an establishment media straining at the leash to justify characterizations of angry but non-violent Americans as dangerous extremists.
Hmmmmm. Not going too well, this predictions malarkey, is it?

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