Here's the news, as reported at What Really Happened.com (Why would WRH care about Curt Maynard? The item appears at WRH sympathetically. There isn't the least hint of criticism and not the least hint of condolence to the victims. Despicable.) Maynard has of course appeared as a guest on Rivero's radio show, and Rivero hosts several articles written by Curt Maynard. Rivero has heavily featured and promoted Maynard throughout the last 5 years (or more?).
Here's a news article on Maynard's monstrous dénouement.
So, yet another Troofer-Patriot-racist-nutter bites the dust, in a most despicable fashion too. Good riddance, you fucking bastard. What a loss to the Troofer-Patriots, eh?
Where's the story on Amy Bishop?
Joe Stack?
James Von Brunn?
Gee, maybe we dont see their stories because they are considered "LEFT" wing. Could that be it??
Hmmm, I was IGNORED. I wonder why, lol.
What EXACTLY about his conspiratorial thinking made him kill his wife? Got an answer?
So, why havet I killed my wife yet? Why hasnt Alex Jones killed his wife? Im all ears.
No comment. Thats what I thought----DICKWEED.
Wheres the connection between conspiratorial thinking and murder?????
Did I say Maynard killed his wife and shot her daughter because he was a "conspiracist"?
My point was rather more about how Mike Rivero of WRH was involved with Maynard, and that rather than express any criticism, the horrible news was relayed against a narrative of "here comes another excuse to cast conspiracism, WRH, 911 Troof, patriot movement as racist and anti-semitic.'
Well, you know, when people like Maynard get promoted by heroes of the 911 Troof movement - such as Mike RIvero - and garner ZERO CRITICISM, what do you expect?
WRH's comment also implicit accepts that Maynard was "part of the movement".
Well, when people like Maynard are considered "part of the movement" any such movement can rightly be criticised for its racism and anti-semitism. And its fascism.
Or are you going to suggest Mike Rivero isn't part of your "movement"? And nor is Alex Jones? Or GCN?
The fact is that the 911 Troof movement has extensive ties with the far-right, and the "movement" accommodates people like Rivero and Maynard much better than it does any left-wingers. It's not by chance - there are very good reasons for it. The movement has been driven and is centred around characters such as Rivero and Alex Jones and these people have myriad connections to the far-right.
As proven, for example, by Rivero/WRH's reporting of Curt Maynard's monstrous finale. Why does Curt Maynard deserve a notice at WRH? Why does 911 Troof/Mike Rivero recognise Maynard at all? What was he doing on Rivero's radio show? Why does it make no difference to our supposedly anti-racist anti-fascist host Alex Jones that his guests work with and promote Curt Maynard?
As for how conspiracism contributes to making people "sick".....and effecting their behaviour.......it's a big topic. One you've shown no interest in.
Did I say Maynard killed his wife and shot her daughter because he was a "conspiracist"?
My point was rather more about how Mike Rivero of WRH was involved with Maynard, and that rather than express any criticism, the horrible news was relayed against a narrative of "here comes another excuse to cast conspiracism, WRH, 911 Troof, patriot movement as racist and anti-semitic.'
Well, you know, when people like Maynard get promoted by heroes of the 911 Troof movement - such as Mike RIvero - and garner ZERO CRITICISM, what do you expect?
WRH's comment also implicit accepts that Maynard was "part of the movement".
Well, when people like Maynard are considered "part of the movement" any such movement can rightly be criticised for its racism and anti-semitism. And its fascism.
Or are you going to suggest Mike Rivero isn't part of your "movement"? And nor is Alex Jones? Or GCN?
The fact is that the 911 Troof movement has extensive ties with the far-right, and the "movement" accommodates people like Rivero and Maynard much better than it does any left-wingers. It's not by chance - there are very good reasons for it. The movement has been driven and is centred around characters such as Rivero and Alex Jones and these people have myriad connections to the far-right.
As proven, for example, by Rivero/WRH's reporting of Curt Maynard's monstrous finale. Why does Curt Maynard deserve a notice at WRH? Why does 911 Troof/Mike Rivero recognise Maynard at all? What was he doing on Rivero's radio show? Why does it make no difference to our supposedly anti-racist anti-fascist host Alex Jones that his guests work with and promote Curt Maynard?
As for how conspiracism contributes to making people "sick".....and effecting their behaviour.......it's a big topic. One you've shown no interest in.
YOU SAID, and I quote:
"So, yet another Troofer-Patriot-racist-nutter bites the dust.."
Why say the word "Troofer" if not to imply he killed his wife because he believed in conspiracies???
"The fact is that the 911 Troof movement has extensive ties with the far-right"
Thats funny, the right wing call us far LEFT! You IGNORED my story on my site about that. I guess when it's impossible to refute, all you can do is IGNORE it.
Why did you post the SAME comment twice on DIFFERENT DAYS?
Funny how you continue to ridicule 9-11 truth when you have YET to even ONCE refute anything we/I have said! In FACT, you IGNORE addressing MOST of what I say about it---and then claim you "have no time" for it---ha ha ha.
you're refuted all the time, Larry. Check the articles on the right.....
Larry - why do you think Troofer Mike Rivero promoted Maynard to other Troofers? Why did they suck it up?
Once again, you ignored EVERY WORD of my post!
Name ONE time-----ONE, where you refuted me!
Well, here's one claim you made and which I refuted:
Larry: [Poplawski] opposed Jones' views.
If you don't believe I refuted your claim, here, then provide, say, 5 ways in which Poplawski's views OPPOSED those of Alex Jones. Prove your claim - that Poplawski opposed the views of Alex Jones.......else admit you're wrong.
One point --- WHilst you are prone to using false evidence, your greater failing is the way you put your "evidence" together: your reasoning and method is very poor.
For example, here's you writing last Aug:
you must be black. Only blacks think everyone is a white supremacist when they speak out against things their accuser supports.
5 August 2009 07:50
self evident nonesense. It reveals you as someone who operates with strict stereotypes - and a tacit racial prejudice.
What other things do only blacks do, Larry?
In response to criticisms of anti-semitism you said:
Larry: There's anti-semiticism in the BIBLE! Your point???
If there's antisemiticism in the Bible, it cant be all THAT bad right?
Anyway - let's see how you are with some other facts? It can perhaps serve to illustrate how dishonest and flawed your methods are.
Do you agree that it is a fact that Mike Rivero (the 911 Troofer) promoted Curt Maynard, his websites, writing, and agenda?
Do you agree that this is ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE of Troofers' connections with the far-right?
Do you agree that it is a FACT that Prisonplanet hosts articles from Willis Carto's AmericanFreePress and that Prisonplanet promotes other people, articles and websites also closely affiliated to or run by Willis Carto?
Do you agree it is a FACT that this is ANOTHER EXAMPLE of Troofers' connections with the far-right?
Speaking of WTC7 collapse, Larry claimed it was "perfectly symmetrical". When I showed Larry the building leans forwards (S) during collapse, Larry claimed:
A LEAN is not in contradiction with "perfect symmetry".
NAd here's Larry insisting no building has ever collapsed due to fire:
Larry: a building has NEVER collapsed before due to fire-
Buildings have obviously collapsed before "due to fire".
Here's Larry speaking about the twin towers' collapse:
L: the whole building collapsed in 10 seconds and was reduced to dust.
It was not "reduced to dust". Some sizeable portions were left - steel doesn't simply turn into dust.
And nor did the towers collapse at freefall speed - the mushroom cloud of dust and debris obscures the collapse zone. the debris falls faster than collapse zone - the freefalling debris fell faster than the collapse zone.
Here's Larry the physics professor:
Hmmm. Only magic fairy-dust melts steel....
I could go on.......but.....not much point.
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