Tuesday 14 September 2010

More on ICNC, AEI, Al Giordano

A good resource for investigations and discussion of the ICNC, AEI, etc (Institute for Non Violence, and issues over its relationship with neo-imperialism)


It has a whole list of related articles moving the arguments along someway since Socrates wrote his piece on Al Giordano and his connections with the ICNC, AEI.

Indeed, the list includes Socrates' article -

"Annon, Fake Peace Activism Tied to the Military and CIA, Dave From Queens, November 17, 2009. (Include long and enlightening debate with Al Giordano.)"

Nice to see someone noticed it.

1 comment:

Tokyo Shemp said...

This is very cool. Thanks for the info. Blogger for all its glitches definitely gives the censored a chance to get their messages out. People like Giordano and Brad Friedman can run or simply whitewash, but they can't hide. I skimmed through our Giordano thread at DFQ2 and was reminded of something I found Al had posted. Giordano portrays himself as a far lefty. But at Daily Kos, he promoted the idea of John Kerry selecting John McCain as his running mate. That right there exposes him as a fake, akin to Moulitsas saying the CIA is a liberal institution with its heart in the right place. I've also got a good feeling about what we've come up with on BradBlog. I think I'll write up a quick new entry. Thanks, TLNL.