Good and gone.
ETA - Rivero says:
"Yes, we were hacked. Starting just moments before President Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden, our website was hit with what the hosting company described as a massive distributed denial of service attack, no doubt to prevent the public from accessing the documentation showing Bin Laden actually died in December of 2001 of natural causes."HAHA. Does he really believe that?
Documentation that Bin Laden died in December 2001? HAHA. Look at Rivero's definition of documentation!
Rivero cites Fox News' reference to a Pakistani Observer article.....
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.Documentation! It appeared in the Pakistan Observer - good enough for Rivero. It just must be true, right?
Wow! Bin Laden made you post your first post in over a month?? LOL. You think he just NOW is dead?? Obama needed this badly. When will we see the body?
I had no internet, just had it back. Thank god! What a nightmare losing it after becoming so used to it being there.
Anyway, I guess you will insist on seeing the body......and so we'll have to have another bloody corpse plastered across our frontpages, eh?
I guess he'll be in pretty bad shape if he's been dead years, as you and the conspiros used to insist he was.
And according to you he was an innocent man, of course.
Innocent? How would I know that? Even the FBI did not charge him with 9-11. I posted Bin Laden's FBI profile on my latest story. Of course, YOU won't care about PROOF huh? He was a CIA operative for years. Look up Tim Osman....his CIA name.
Isn't it funny that when I speak of my views on 9-11, you INSULT me because you claim I have no PROOF, but when I insist on seeing Bin Laden's dead body, you want me just to ACCEPT my governmet's word [as if they are truth tellers] and move on. No PROOF needed on THEIR part right?
You're a piece of work.
Can't afford your internet bill? Or was you really in jail? Or at a month-long gay rally?
How did I insult you?
I love how you IGNORED my story on the birth certificate I posted days ago. Can't refute it? Geeee, let me guess how you insulted me. Let me pick just ONE thing....your article titled "Larry Simons' lunacy".
Nahhhh, you're right...that's not insulting. Now can you please answer my question??
"..you want me just to ACCEPT my government's word [as if they are truth tellers] and move on. No PROOF needed on THEIR part right?"
OBL was "buried at sea". How conveeeeeeeenient. Now we can't see the body. LOLLLLLLL. As if we were ever GOING to???
But what would satisfy you? You simply can't be satisfied on the matter.
What do you think they should have done with the body instead? Paraded it around all the TeaPartys so people would be convinced?
Taken him to USA and embalmed him somewhere? Returned him to somewhere like Saudi or Afghanistan? Somewhere where there would be a shrine and pilgrimage.....you think that'd be a good move?
What to do with him is tricky and damn ugly business.
BTW - BBC is still saying that
"A US official quoted by Associated Press news agency said Bin Laden's body had been buried at sea, although this has not been confirmed."
By the way, love how you keep ignoring my question. Typical of you.
No refutations of my story of Obama's fake birth certificate?
I didn't think so.
Seems AQ confirmed the death, and vowed revenge.
LOL, and who EXACTLY is al Qeada??? It's the CIA, that's who! Did you actually SEE VIDEOTAPE of them vowing revenge??
Good job once AGAIN ignoring my question---dickhead.
Of course they will "vow revenge"----it's the CIA really "vowing revenge" so the wars can continue! You didn't think for a minute the wars would STOP did you???
it's the CIA really "vowing revenge"
Is it now?
Amusing that you feel able to assert such a thing as a fact.
What question did I ignore?
How about the ones you ignored?
The stories on my site are just impossible to refute huh? That's why you haven't posted one comment on ANY of the recently. It's not the stories you ADDRESS that I find most telling, it's the ones you IGNORE.
You just ignored my question, again.
I don't respond to some of your stories because.....I don't wish to. I respond to the ones I want to - when I have something I want to say. Perfectly normal behaviour, no?
If there is nothing I want to say, why would I respond?
So what's the REAL explanation for this OBL thing then Larry?
Why now, if OBL has been dead 10 years or whatever you believe?
You imagine that OBL is trotted out now because "they" must want to use it for something? Yes?
But why produce him as 'killed'? Why change the story now? They could surely have just used him alive to engineer whatever you think they want to do with this rolling-out of a fake OBL.
Are there elections atm? No.
Why didn't Bushco and Repubs trot out OBL when they were clearly going to lose the last Presidential election? Or any other election?
And how come Obama/Dems can decide to bring OBL out of the shadow that the Repubs/Bush put him under?
I imagine you'd suggest the DEMS can do it now because there's no real difference between Repubs and DEMS, all part of the same thing really - the NWO or whatever.
Isn't that how you see it?
But.....if it is the case that DEMS and REPUBS are 'the same thing' blah blah blah then where is the sense in your suggestion that Obama rolled-out OBL with the elections in mind?
You said
"Obama needed this badly."
Rubbish. IF it makes no difference whether DEMS or REPUBS Obama or McCain or whatever.....then one cannot suggest a scramble for votes as a possible motivation for their action.
If "the NWO" were holding OBL (alive or dead) and it makes no difference to them whether DEMS or REPUBS are in power.....then why are they going to accede to Obama and DEM political needs, and produce OBL?
In your usual conception the NWO fix elections, and put whoever they want in government.
Yet here you are rationalising the apparent murder of OBL as a desperate election tactic by Obama and the DEMS. As if it suddenly matters to "them" who is elected......as if Obama and the DEMS desperately want to win the election, and must do everything they can to do so.
Sorry - it obviously doesn't add up.
"I don't respond to some of your stories because.....I don't wish to."
LOL---Hilarious!!! It's because you CAN'T!
"But why produce him as 'killed'? Why change the story now?"
Easy question! To regenerate interest in the wars, to introduce a new puppet dictator, to get attention away from Obama's birth certificate, to get Obama re-elected---jesus, the list goes on.
"Are there elections atm? No."
NO, you fucking MORON--but election CAMPAIGNS start WAY BEFORE elections.
"Why didn't Bushco and Repubs trot out OBL when they were clearly going to lose the last Presidential election? Or any other election?"
Because the wars were still semi-popular and up until 2004, not as many troops had died then. Plus, they DID release Osama TAPES [which were fake].
"And how come Obama/Dems can decide to bring OBL out of the shadow that the Repubs/Bush put him under?"
Have no clue what that means
Once again, you believe an official story with NO evidence required---but simply because it was TOLD to you.
Don't you think it's funny that they decided NOT to release the photos of his dead body?
Don't you think it's odd that for 10 years, the US has not cared one BIT about the Muslim religion [in fact has vilified it], but ALL OF A SUDDEN we are going to respect their religion and bury him at sea???? Hmmmmmm. I smell a rat----but you...ONCE AGAIN, don't question a thing---don't think anything is wrong. "Move along, nothing to see here" is your motto.
Oh by the way, I guess all the reports over the past 10 years that Osama is dead were just big lies?? What about Benazir Bhutto telling David Frost in 2007 that Osama had been killed by Omar Sheikh? Ahhh yes, not importnat to you, is it?
What makes you BELIEVE this story with NO EVIDENCE given? [I can't wait for this answer, but I will probably be ignored]
Also, why are you writing any stories debunking the ones [like me] saying he's been dead for years?
Why are people [like Bill Maher]purposely LYING about 9/11 truthers and saying we have claimed Osama didn't really carry out 9/11---when it was not OUR claim to begin with, but the FBI's??????
Sorry, i meant, "why AREN'T you writing stories debunking...."
I know why. Because you CAN'T debunk us!
L: I guess all the reports over the past 10 years that Osama is dead were just big lies?? What about Benazir Bhutto telling David Frost in 2007 that Osama had been killed by Omar Sheikh?
So are you saying he died in 2007? Or not? He can't die several times......so what about all your various claims he died (on different dates)?
Which date do you believe? Why that one over any other?
Come on - when did he die? Tell us?
Tell us how you know.
If he died when Bhutto said, he can't have died the other times.
So don't go using multiple different claims about his death and pretend they are consistent - they are not.
Why that one?
According to you OBL has been trotted out as killed now because ....
1) "To regenerate interest in the wars"
By killing the head of the organisation the war was supposed to be against!??
Come on - it's the opposite effect of what you claim.
Killing OBL undermines any drive to war. Which is why here in UK, for example, they have had to stress that the war isn't over yet. They are fearful OBL's demise will undermine the public support for continuing war.
So you are flat wrong.
2) "to introduce a new puppet dictator"
Eh? What? where? who? WTF?
3) "to get attention away from Obama's birth certificate,"
Only you nutters care about it.
4) "to get Obama re-elected"
No - because there are no elections atm, and in your own view there is no difference between DEMS and REPUBS, they are both the NWO and it makes no difference who is in power. So that cannot be used as a reason.
"By killing the head of the organisation the war was supposed to be against!??"
Why isnt the war OVER then???
Bhutto caimed he was killed but didnt say the date, but MANY people claimed the date was 2001---even a Department of Defense guy named Steve Pieczenik, the guy who the Jack Ryan movies are influenced by.
AGAIN, you IGNORE my questions:
Also, why aren't you writing any stories debunking the ones [like me] saying he's been dead for years?
Why are people [like Bill Maher]purposely LYING about 9/11 truthers and saying we have claimed Osama didn't really carry out 9/11---when it was not OUR claim to begin with, but the FBI's??????
"3) "to get attention away from Obama's birth certificate,"
Only you nutters care about it."
Oh, is THAT why you REFUSE to debunk my story on the birth certificate being photoshopped?
Oh, that's right. You "choose NOT to" comment. LOL! I'm pissing my pants!
Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?
Pictures not being released----FINE with you!
His body "buried at sea"-----FINE with you.
Once again, this government tells you something and you believe it WITHOUT QUESTION. What a fucking SAP you are.
What about the other points Larry?
One more comment like that Larry, and you will be banned again. Keep it civil. You know that's all you have to do. Oh, and make some effort at relevance.
I don't care about the stupid Obama certificate.
I don't know nor care anything about Bill Maher or what he says about Troofers.
"I don't care about the stupid Obama certificate.
I don't know nor care anything about Bill Maher or what he says about Troofers."
Isn't it funny how the things you REFUSE to refute you pass off as "I don't care about it".
What a fraud you are!
I will post this question over and over so your 3 readers can clearly see you IGNORE it on PURPOSE.
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
"3) "to get attention away from Obama's birth certificate,"
Only you nutters care about it."
Obviously, if you call the people concerned about it "nutters" then you have an opinion about the issue and cannot claim you "don't care about it".
Obviously, it's something you DO care about, but cannot refute!
L: "Why do you require ZERO evidence Bin Laden was killed?"
HAHA. It is YOU that requires zero evidence, Larry.
You believe OBL was killed years ago. Something for which there is *no evidence*.
Do I believe the US army killed OBL outside Karachi recently?
Due to a lack of convincing evidence, I am somewhat ambivalent. I would like more to go on......but as I say, when you consider what that might be, it seems very difficult to imagine what evidence could fully convince. [You still haven't touched on this aspect, and I have asked you repeatedly - what evidence would satisfy you?]
So, I am happy to provisionally ACCEPT it was OBL. My view will harden or reverse dependent on any further evidence turning up.
It is obviously way more likely that it was OBL than any of the supposed earlier deaths - all of which you believe. Comical.
And again, keep stepping out of line - with spam and insults etc - and you WILL be banned.
You will also be banned if you keep refusing to address questions.
I have addressed yours, you have not addressed mine.
Get on with addressing them, or you are banned.
"HAHA. It is YOU that requires zero evidence, Larry.
You believe OBL was killed years ago. Something for which there is *no evidence*."
Only a half dozen people claiming it---all high ranking officials---and the fact that he was deathly ill in 2001. There was no reason for them to lie.
"And again, keep stepping out of line - with spam and insults etc - and you WILL be banned.
You will also be banned if you keep refusing to address questions."
Oh nooooooo, banned! I cant have that!
Refusing to answer questions? Like the plethora of ones YOU refuse to answer?? Why cant you refute my stories on my blog???? LOL
L: Only a half dozen people claiming it---all high ranking officials
So "high-ranking officials" when we're talking about Pakistan means people are highly credible sources.
But "high-ranking sources" when we're talking about, say, USA means people are absolutely not credible.
Interesting revelation you make there, L.
And what is this "it" that you say these high-ranking sources have been claiming?
That OBL was assassinated in 04?
That OBL died of liver failure in 01?
Or something else?
They can't all be true as they are mutually exclusive. He can only die once.
So which one do you believe and why?
Then we can compare how many "high ranking sources" support your chosen scenario compared with how many support the scenario presented by the USA government........
You can only pick one, because he can only die once, and if you believe one, you cannot believe the other.
It was you whom asserted he was dead previously.
Stand-up your claim? And remember, you can only choose one death to stand-up, you cannot use 7 different reports of 7 different deaths because only one scenario can be true. One being true invalidates the others. Ok?
So......your turn.
L: Refusing to answer questions? Like the plethora of ones YOU refuse to answer?? Why cant you refute my stories on my blog???? LOL
I don't have to "refute" your stories.
It's a bit silly you saying I refuse to answer questions because I haven't responded to an entry I likely haven't read.
You don't generally like to hear critical voices, Larry. You prefer to "school people" as you call it. Why the sudden interest in having a critic?
"So "high-ranking officials" when we're talking about Pakistan means people are highly credible sources.
But "high-ranking sources" when we're talking about, say, USA means people are absolutely not credible."
What a stupid comment. IF the FORMER high ranking officials are RIGHT [and there's no reason why they would have lied], then the LATTER high ranking officials' words are NULL AND VOID. If someone is RIGHT about someone being dead TEN YEARS AGO, then by default people who claim the SAME guy is dead LATER are LYING. DUHHHHHHHHHH.
Jesus. Do I have to wipe your ass for you too??
"Stand-up your claim? And remember, you can only choose one death to stand-up, you cannot use 7 different reports of 7 different deaths because only one scenario can be true. One being true invalidates the others. Ok?"
Yeah, that's what I just said above. Your above comment just refuted the one I posted of yours at the very top. Jesus! Do you have multi-personality disorder??
I think it's quite telling that others have said he was dead in the past, and now more are saying he was just killed NOW---and out of ALL the different accounts, YOU BELIEVE THIS RECENT ONE----why????
"I don't have to "refute" your stories."
Well, it's easier for you to say you "DON'T HAVE TO" than to say "I CAN'T".
"It's a bit silly you saying I refuse to answer questions because I haven't responded to an entry I likely haven't read."
Yeah, you haven't read them....yet you call me a "nutter" about the birth certificate issue, and at the very same time, you claim you "don't care about it". It's obvious you DO care about it and have an OPINION of it if you're calling the critics of it "NUTTERS". WHY are they "NUTTERS"??? Oh, that's right....you "don't care". LOL.
Translation: Larry's a "nutter" but I can't refute him. He's a "NUTTER" solely because I SAY HE IS---and for NO OTHER REASON.
YOU can't refute the "nutter" huh? Hmmm, what's that make YOU then?
"You don't generally like to hear critical voices, Larry."
Sure I do!! In fact, I WELCOME them...this is EXACTLY why I have pressed you about IGNORING MY STORIES and not refuting them. You claim I "don't like critical voices"---lol. So, are you saying by NOT REFUTING my stories, you're "appeasing" me and giving me what I want [a lack of criticism]??? LOL. You're completely BONKERS!
"You prefer to "school people" as you call it."
No, I school them when they constantly utter ridiculous things---and when you completely contradict yourself, like I'm about to illustrate [below]:
"Why the sudden interest in having a critic?"
LOL---wait a minute. You JUST claimed "You don't generally like to hear critical voices, Larry"---now another of your 15 personalities is saying I "DO have interest in critics"????????
Which is it, Sybil?? Do I LIKE critics or do I DISlike them???
at least you've settled the evidence for "nutters like Larry".
So which OBL story are you going for?
You have asserted that OBL was definitely killed earlier.
Which reports do you believe? And why? You can't believe them all.
The ONLY one you disbelieve is the one the US government has presented. Correct?
I on the other hand have *not* asserted that it is definite that OBL has been killed - let alone that it was done in any particular way, or when.
I am presently willing to accept the US government line that they killed him. AQ made an announcement to such effect too. Claims of DNA match.
But certainty? No. I didn't see him.
And this is what I mean by asking what WOULD satisfy people it was him? I can't think of anything.
The claims by US government are little more reliable than those made by Pakistan observer, in so far as we have a chance of verifying them.
Thing is, you claim to believe in *all* the reports......except the US government one.
That's some weird and heavy bias making itself evident there.
On the other hand I am *somewhat sceptical* of the US gov claims...but very sceptical about any other claims.
Reports of his death can't be simply accepted.
You happily agree with that now, when considering the US Gov's claim of having killed him ---- but you never asked for the same scepticism when regarding your silly stories of people claiming he was dead.
Heavy bias in your views, as ever L.
You claim he was already DEFINITELY DEAD, yet you have less evidence for such claims than there are for those of the US gov.
I wouldn't claim that the USA definitely killed him recently. I really don't know - but I accept their word for it atm. Nobody lies ALL the time.
You however completely disbelieve the US gov scenario (WHY exactly?) and believe every other story, even though they are self-contradictory.
Which story about Bin Laden's death is the one you believe?
Come on, you said before he was defintely dead.
WHEN? Pick a report which you believe? And let's look at it and compare the evidence for it against the evidence provided by the US government.
So, which report do you believe Larry?
"at least you've settled the evidence for "nutters like Larry"."
Exactly what does that statement mean and what does it address??
Who fucking knows??
"You have asserted that OBL was definitely killed earlier.
Which reports do you believe? And why? You can't believe them all.
The ONLY one you disbelieve is the one the US government has presented. Correct?"
See? You're wrong AGAIN! I never said it was ME that asserted Osama died earlier---it was OTHER high level officials.
"I on the other hand have *not* asserted that it is definite that OBL has been killed - let alone that it was done in any particular way, or when."
Oh really???? Under a story titled, "He's dead"?????????
Hmmmmmmm. OK, I guess you stating "HE'S DEAD" means you do NOT assert it was OBL. Jesus Christ almighty.
"I am presently willing to accept the US government line that they killed him."
Of course you do! You accept ALL governmet official stories!! And WHY do you accept it????? WHO FUCKING KNOWS???
"AQ made an announcement to such effect too. Claims of DNA match."
Oh my god, I'm about to piss my pants. Who exactly IS Al Qeada? Hmmmm?? Did you SEE AQ say this??? Did you WITNESS them matching DNA? Where would they have obtained OBL's DNA prior to this??? Just like Davin Coburn of Popular Mechanics claiming they had the hijackers DNA PRIOR to 9/11 and they matched it with DNA in the RUINS at Ground Zero. Simply laughable. Where did they get OBL's DNA prior to now?????????? [I want this question answered]
"But certainty? No. I didn't see him."
And yet you BELIEVE it. I guess you believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus too. You never see THEM too, right??
"And this is what I mean by asking what WOULD satisfy people it was him? I can't think of anything."
I know EXACTLY what they could have done. We heard reports that they buried his body at sea because that follows Muslim burial customs. LIE. Muslims have spoken out and said it is ONLY customary if they DIED at sea. OBL did NOT die at sea. We were told they didnt want to bury him over there so as not to have his gravesite be a shrine. Oh brother.
They could have BROUGHT THE BODY TO THE UNITED STATES and let ALL Americans see the body. NO. They didn't do that DID they? They quickly dispose of the body [supposedly] so as to get rid of the evidence. But you don't NEED evidence do you? Just the governments' good word huh?
"The claims by US government are little more reliable..."
Really??? Based on what precedent?? Based on all the other times they told the truth??? Like when they "told the truth" about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman?
"Thing is, you claim to believe in *all* the reports......except the US government one."
Hey...yoohoo....asshole? The MAIN guy saying he's been dead for years is STEVE PIECZENIK-----a US GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. I ALREADY told you in a PREVIOUS post he works for the Dept. of Defense---but you simply IGNORE that. God, you're fucking stupid!
"On the other hand I am *somewhat sceptical* of the US gov claims...but very sceptical about any other claims.
Reports of his death can't be simply accepted."
LOL. Your story titled "He's Dead" means you're "somewhat skeptical"????? What would your story be called if you fully accepted it......"He's REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY 100% DEAD"???? LOL
"You happily agree with that now, when considering the US Gov's claim of having killed him ---- but you never asked for the same scepticism when regarding your silly stories of people claiming he was dead."
That's because our government was not interested in OBL for the last 6 or 7 years---now all of a sudden they are? Bush even closed the OBL unit at the FBI during his tenure. Didn't you see the Wikileaks story 6 days before the supposed "death" of OBL? It stated that detainees at Gitmo know about a plot to detonate a nuclear bomb inside the US IF OBL WOULD BE CAPTURED OR KILLED.
Hmmmmmm. 6 days later he turns up "dead". Hmmmmmm. I guess the stage is set for a new terror attack in the US. This whole thing may be used as another false flag terror attack. After that happens---get ready for more fear, more war, more dead troops.
"You claim he was already DEFINITELY DEAD, yet you have less evidence for such claims than there are for those of the US gov."
Oh really???? Where is the US gov'ts evidence he is NOW dead??? They won't release pictures and got rid of the body! LOL--you say they matched his DNA. You WITNESSED that???? LOL.
"I wouldn't claim that the USA definitely killed him recently."
But you DID! I remind you of your post title......"HE'S DEAD". Does your posting titled "He's dead" state that you DOUBT it?? NOPE!!! It says HE IS DEAD...PERIOD. 'Nuff said.
"I really don't know - but I accept their word for it atm."
So you're ADMITTING he may NOT be dead, but you call your story "He's DEAD"????? Hmmmmm. I would call that a LIE.
"Nobody lies ALL the time."
LOL. So, you believe those who lie just SOME of the time?? LOL. The fact is, our government lies MOST of the time. It only tells the truth about things that don't matter.
"You however completely disbelieve the US gov scenario (WHY exactly?) and believe every other story, even though they are self-contradictory."
I told you why. I never said I BELIEVED the other stories. I was just REPEATING the fact that there WERE other reports of an earlier death.
What exacly does "self-contradictory" mean? LOL
"Come on, you said before he was defintely dead."
LIE. I stated OTHERS claimed he died earlier.
I KNOW you will IGNORE every question I just asked even though I just addressed all yours. I IGNORED your question "So, which report do you believe Larry?" because the premise of the question is FALSE. You can't claim I ignore questions if you base them on FALSE premises.
It would be like me asking you "How many dicks did you suck last night?" [when you didn't suck any last night...it was last week] and then when you refuse to answer it, I say "see??? you ignored me!"
No idea of what a conversation might be, have you, L?
L: Where did they get OBL's DNA prior to now?????????? [I want this question answered]
Well, you know, Mr OBL was quite close with CIA. You won't dispute that, surely?
DNA testing was introduced during 70s and 80s. Maybe the CIA already had it way back then. Maybe they got it since?
I don't know.
Where's your DNA evidence for the killing of OBL back in 04, 07 or 01?
L: I never said it was ME that asserted Osama died earlier---it was OTHER high level officials.
Rubbish. BTW, you are *not* a high-level official.
Your first post here said "You think he just NOW is dead??"
Stop lying and denying things you have said for years.
Here's another example of how thoroughly dishonest you can be:
About Bin Laden's guilt you said
"Innocent? How would I know that?"
For 10 years you have been chundering on about how 911 was a hoax, an inside job/explosives, no such thing as AQ, false-flag.
Now you try to pretend you never said OBL was innocent.
Oh, sure.
Larry asked
"why are you not writing any stories debunking the ones [like me] saying he's been dead for years?"
A day later Larry claims
"L: I never said it was ME that asserted Osama died earlier---it was OTHER high level officials."
Come on Larry, pull your socks up.
You can do better than this?
"Well, you know, Mr OBL was quite close with CIA. You won't dispute that, surely?
DNA testing was introduced during 70s and 80s. Maybe the CIA already had it way back then. Maybe they got it since?"
So, you ADMIT you're a conspiracy theorist now? You'd HAVE to be to accept that the gov't already had his DNA. RIGHT??
"Your first post here said "You think he just NOW is dead??"
Stop lying and denying things you have said for years.
Here's another example of how thoroughly dishonest you can be:
About Bin Laden's guilt you said
"Innocent? How would I know that?"
For 10 years you have been chundering on about how 911 was a hoax, an inside job/explosives, no such thing as AQ, false-flag.
Now you try to pretend you never said OBL was innocent."
INNOCENT and DEAD are two different things ASSHOLE.
BTW, I LOVE how you ignored like 75% of my quesions ONCE AGAIN.
Like these:
Oh really???? Where is the US gov'ts evidence he is NOW dead??? They won't release pictures and got rid of the body! LOL--you say they matched his DNA. You WITNESSED that???? LOL.
Who exactly IS Al Qeada? Hmmmm?? Did you SEE AQ say this??? Did you WITNESS them matching DNA? Where would they have obtained OBL's DNA prior to this???
Of course you do! You accept ALL governmet official stories!! And WHY do you accept it????? WHO FUCKING KNOWS???
Why call your story "HE'S DEAD" if you claim to be skeptical?????
Why call your story "HE'S DEAD" if you claim to be skeptical?????
Well, I get sick of you and your chums equivocating over every such thing. And I couldn't be bothered to write with any nuance as I'm not yet syndicated by NYT....
But that's what they said....."He's dead."
Is he dead, isn't he? Like I could have a definite and considered view on it in the moments after the announcement?
Is anything clearer 3 weeks later?
Well, there's been significant reports of AQ responses, threatening revenge and changing leadership, making pronouncements.
Also Pakistan relations with USA have hit new lows.
It seems like something has happened, no?
Plus there's absolutely nothing been brought forward to justify dismissing the American claims to have killed him.
So, who knows? Until I have good reason to seriously doubt it, I will accept it.
Is it important? I'm not sure. It isn't unimportant, but is it of any real consequence? I don't know.
"Well, I get sick of you and your chums equivocating over every such thing. And I couldn't be bothered to write with any nuance as I'm not yet syndicated by NYT....
But that's what they said....."He's dead.""
Oh kinda like in the same way I say in my stories that OTHERS said he died long ago, but yet you keep saying I SAID IT.
Again, I love how you cherry-pick what you want to answer and what you REFUSE to. I asked like 6 quesions in my last post but you picked ONE.
I will re-post them:
Oh really???? Where is the US gov'ts evidence he is NOW dead??? They won't release pictures and got rid of the body! LOL--you say they matched his DNA. You WITNESSED that???? LOL.
Who exactly IS Al Qeada? Hmmmm?? Did you SEE AQ say this??? Did you WITNESS them matching DNA? Where would they have obtained OBL's DNA prior to this???
Of course you do! You accept ALL governmet official stories!! And WHY do you accept it????? WHO FUCKING KNOWS???
"Plus there's absolutely nothing been brought forward to justify dismissing the American claims to have killed him."
LOL---nahhhh, just about every main detail of the OP was changed from the original story we heard---but yeah, youre right, why would that make you doubt it???
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