Thursday, 17 July 2008

Rivero - : sycophants and censorship.

For a long time I've gotten sick of Mike Rivero's fascism.

And I'm sick of his sycophants too.

Rivero, and his sycophants love to make great claims about 'how much better than the mainstream' they are, when in reality, they are far worse.

Rivero is nothing less or more than a mouthpiece for fascist propaganda. Don't believe me? Hear the evidence and you will believe me.

But that's the problem - hearing the evidence at all. Who wants to hear it? Who amongst the faux critics of the now-reviled '911 troof movement' ever get to hear any of the evidence against their "heros"? Few do, because the so-called "alternative" news scene is full of charlatans intent on censoring the least criticism of their 'press darlings'.

And that criticism includes the charge that 911 Troof, and Rivero in particular, are agents of FASCISM. No small charge, I'm sure anyone would agree.

But that's exactly why Rivero, his minions, and the rest of the 911 Troof morons work so hard to prevent the charge and the evidence behind it becoming known.

I want to use this blog to at least put the evidence out there, starting with the most recent episode of censorship to protect Rivero's reputation from the TRUE charge that he is an agent of fascism - racism - neo-nazism.

I have had 28 (polite) posts deleted from within 24 hours. Why? Because I interrupted their eulogy to Mike Rivero and WRH.

Have a look:

I ended up counting how long it took for my comments to be deleted - 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Now, that's pretty sickeningly efficient censorship from people eulogising the HONESTY of fascist twerps like Mike Rivero. Desertpeace never even told their readers that they were censoring comments..........

For the record - here are the posts which were deleted with such efficiency. See if you can tell why they deserved such stringent censorship?

As each post gets submitted, the post number increases. My first post appeared on the site as as comment 7.
the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 3:57 pm

Shame he gives such support to fascists.

Wonder why you didn’t mention that in your glowing tribute? Same reasons as you’ll not publish this comment I suppose.

Why has Rivero given such support to racist horrors like Curt Maynard? Why did he promote the “no More Wars for Israel” conference but never once mentioned the conference was backed by fascists, racists, holocaust deniers, and white nationalists?

Eileen Fleming who did speak at the conference says she was appalled to find out fascists were speaking at the conference. She claims she’d never have gone if she’d known. She felt USED. But Rivero DID know exactly who was going - he promoted the conference through Curt Maynard.

And when people protested the fascist basis of that conference, did Rivero once tell his readers and listeners that the protests were ANTI-FASCIST ones? No. That’s called protecting fascism - promoting fascism.

SO spare me the codswallop about Rivero and truth, please?

To check Rivero’s commitment to truth, why not ask him why he still claims “Sharon bragged “We the jews control america”"????

Rivero knows the quote is fabricated - he knows the only “source” of the quote is an Islamic palestinian group. But he still uses the quote, as if it were true. He’s never even admitted the quote was flatly denied by the broadcaster claimed responsible.

Hardly fits with your portrait, does it?

So why don’t you show your own commitment to TRUTH, HONESTY and freedom of speech, and leave my comments stand? Or are you going to join Rivero and his fascist friends by following them into hypocrisy?

That was deleted very quickly. Seeing it deleted, I posted again:

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:20 pm

comment 7 should read


the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 3:57 pm

Shame he gives such support to fascists.

Wonder why you didn’t mention that in your glowing tribute? Same reasons as you’ll not publish this comment I suppose.

Why has Rivero given such support to racist horrors like Curt Maynard? Why did he promote the “no More Wars for Israel” conference but never once mentioned the conference was backed by fascists, racists, holocaust deniers, and white nationalists?

Eileen Fleming who did speak at the conference says she was appalled to find out fascists were speaking at the conference. She claims she’d never have gone if she’d known. She felt USED. But Rivero DID know exactly who was going - he promoted the conference through Curt Maynard.

And when people protested the fascist basis of that conference, did Rivero once tell his readers and listeners that the protests were ANTI-FASCIST ones? No. That’s called protecting fascism - promoting fascism.

SO spare me the codswallop about Rivero and truth, please?

To check Rivero’s commitment to truth, why not ask him why he still claims “Sharon bragged “We the jews control america””????

Rivero knows the quote is fabricated - he knows the only “source” of the quote is an Islamic palestinian group. But he still uses the quote, as if it were true. He’s never even admitted the quote was flatly denied by the broadcaster claimed responsible.

Hardly fits with your portrait, does it?

So why don’t you show your own commitment to TRUTH, HONESTY and freedom of speech, and leave my comments stand? Or are you going to join Rivero and his fascist friends by following them into hypocrisy?

But as this site CENSORS without even telling its readers that it does so, the article above about Rivero’s TRUTH and HONESTY is simlpy the deepest hypocrisy. Shame on you.

I posted again, this time at post number 8.

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:21 pm

How long before you delete the comment this time?

the answer was - not very long. It was quickly deleted.

So I posted again - back at number 7 position, again.

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:26 pm

you are shameless.

You write this self-congratulating propaganda piece eulogising Rivero’s honesty - but delete TRUE evidence of Rivero’s connections with fascism.

Wow - you really are shameless, mr deleter.

Again that was deleted. That was the 4th comment of mine deleted in 30 minutes.

So I tried again, and yet again my comment appeared as 'comment 7':

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:30 pm


Again, that was deleted, so I again posted, again at number 7:

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:33 pm

you are very efficient censors, aren’t you?

And censoring to protect fascism, eh? How commendable?

After that was deleted, I thought I'd try a different tack, and just post a URL about Rivero's work for fascism. This entry was now at number 8. Somebody else had posted something sycophantic - so that comment was allowed.

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:36 pm

And I added another post - this time we were up to number 9.

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:40 pm

Readers should know this blogger censors comments - without admitting it to you, his dear, dear readers. Such respect…….

This blog censors to support the cause of fascism - neo-nazism - racism - white nationalism - elitism.

Those two posts were deleted, so we were back down to 8 comments again. So I posted again:

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:43 pm

Again the "troofseekers" deleted it. Efficient censors, aren't they?

Tiring of this, I just reposted what was still in my browser........

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:43 pm

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:40 pm

Readers should know this blogger censors comments - without admitting it to you, his dear, dear readers. Such respect…….

This blog censors to support the cause of fascism - neo-nazism - racism - white nationalism - elitism.

Again they deleted it. Surprised yet?

Having deleted the comment, we were again back to only 7 comments on the article.

So again I posted as comment 8:

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:49 pm

some comments are missing mr blogger…………not exactly evidence of a commitment to TRUTH and HONESTY is it, mr hypocrite-blogger.

That was duly deleted, so again I posted as comment 8

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:51 pm

[quote]only articles of actual importance to the lives of real (non-brainwashed) people.[/quote]

haha. And I suppose deleting my comments here is helping break people out of their brainwashing eh?

Man, you are such sick hypocrites.

And again, this time at number 9!!!!

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 4:55 pm

WRH is great - puts you in touch with racist propaganda from people like Curt Maynard!

Yes, yes - that was deleted again. So were back to only 7 comments on the page, and no mention that the blogger was deleting comments as fast as they were made.

So I tried again:

the_last_name_left said,

July 16, 2008 at 5:25 pm

Do the readers know that that anything written praising Rivero insufficiently will be *C E N S O R E D*?

It only takes a moment, and WHOOOSH! Down the memory hole it goes……

Having tired of this, I took a break, before posting

the_last_name_left said,

July 17, 2008 at 4:35 am

This blog claims to be against racism.

But yet this blog also publishes eulogy to Rivero and Whatreallyhappened!

Rivero promotes fascism - racism - anti-semitism - neo-nazism.

And to prevent it being known this blog censored by comments 18 times in one hour.

This blog therefore ALSO supports racism, fascism, anti-semitism and even neo-nazism - for that is what it is protecting when it shields its readers from FAIR COMMENT that Mike Rivero is in bed with racist fascists like Curt Maynard.

Why not deal with the issue, if you “welcome debate” as claimed on this website?

How can you claim to be against racism whilst deleting my polite ANTI-RACIST and ANTI-FASCIST comments? Your censorship of anti-racism betrays your claims to be useless hot-air……hypocrisy.

Have the debate? OR are you too scared to? You know you will lose - because you ALREADY must KNOW Rivero actually supports fascism and racism. That’s why you refuse the debate - and just censor………

Guess what happened? You'll never guess! It was deleted!? Surprised?
I was getting pretty tired of this, especially as by now we had got up to 25 sycophantic comments saying "rivero's so cool - he gives us all the facts" and other similar CRAP. So I posted again:

the_last_name_left said,

July 17, 2008 at 4:58 am

This blog claims to be against racism.

But yet this blog also publishes eulogy to Rivero and Whatreallyhappened!

Rivero promotes fascism - racism - anti-semitism - neo-nazism.

And to prevent it being known this blog censored by comments 18 times in one hour.

This blog therefore ALSO supports racism, fascism, anti-semitism and even neo-nazism - for that is what it is protecting when it shields its readers from FAIR COMMENT that Mike Rivero is in bed with racist fascists like Curt Maynard.

Why not deal with the issue, if you “welcome debate” as claimed on this website?

How can you claim to be against racism whilst deleting my polite ANTI-RACIST and ANTI-FASCIST comments? Your censorship of anti-racism betrays your claims to be useless hot-air……hypocrisy.

Have the debate? OR are you too scared to? You know you will lose - because you ALREADY must KNOW Rivero actually supports fascism and racism. That’s why you refuse the debate - and just censor………

Again - within 10 minutes my comment was deleted.

Not one to give up easily, I decided to post again - by now we were up to 26 sycophantic posts - and my deleted posts were approaching the same number. So I had to try something different - I thought I'd post something sycophantic, but with a see if my somewhat cryptic (but really pretty blatant) anti-semitism
would survive the censors knife.......shock horror! - it did! I posted:

Patriot Pete said,

July 17, 2008 at 9:45 am

Wahayy for WRH and Mike Rivero!

Where else can we get such crucial info on the takeover of our country? Where else can we find such timely info on the cabal that is trying to take over the world?

Rivero puts the whole thing together - neocons, bankers, globalist - and most importantly zionism, all of which threaten traditional american and european values. We know what you mean, mikey!


Encouraged, I thought I'd add something a little more to the point, and something which might be a little tricky for a hard-pressed censor to recognise........

InitialD said,

July 17, 2008 at 1:38 pm

Love rivero - he’s


You see those initials I'd written - they spell RACIST, right?

As that post survived for more than 10 minutes I gave it another go, this time spelling something else out for the cretinous sycophants:

InitialD said,

July 17, 2008 at 1:45 pm

oh and he’s

F - funny
A - artistic
S - serious
C - cutting
I - intellectual
S - supercillious
T - tenacious

Rivero works for FASCISM. Read the links above if you doubt it. Future posts will pursue this important point of fascist infiltration and exploitation of 911, amongst other things.