Tuesday 21 June 2011

Believe this and still support Ron Paul? Impossible?

"The big lie about capitalism is that everyone can be rich. That's impossible. Capitalism works only if the vast majority of the population are kept poor enough to never quit working, are kept poor enough to accept distasteful jobs society cannot function without. If everyone were a millionaire, who would empty the trash or repair the sewers? It follows that the poorer the general population is made, the greater the worth of the money held by the wealthy, in terms of the lives which may be bought and sold with it. -- Michael Rivero

Funny, because Rivero digs Ron Paul and RP is a radical free-marketeer - a Mises-ian nut.

Here's more of Herr Rivero's anti-socialism:

Previous example of the same

All that anti-socialist vitriol and yet Rivero/WRH can still write things like the very topmost quote attacking capitalism. One can find a fair bit of anti-capitalism amongst Rivero/WRH's whining, yet there's also all the anti-socialism. Odd.

Not many people lurch from socialism to capitalism and back in the space of a day or two. I'd wager nobody really does, at least nobody with a serious view on it.

So this all smacks of opportunism: Rivero pursues whatever line best suits the story of the day. There is certainly no hard principle at work here, nothing steering Rivero and co solidly towards either socialism or capitalism. Their analysis is a complete mess.

We also have the continual (and fabulously irritating) confusion around fascism - Obama's a fascist, apparently. Even as he's criticised for being a communist. And a capitalist. They can't get their story straight?

This reminds me of 1930s Nazi propaganda - the Nazis attacked both socialism and capitalism. Rivero's cultivation of a climate of confusion over the meaning of fascism might also be an indication that it's the real goal - people dislike fascism and therefore confusion (from spurious definitions) might help achieve its acceptance. Bad (and frankly stupid) definitions can be seen as a form of purposeful misdirection - if you don't have an accurate definition, you can't properly spot it.

Plus fascism was originally posited as 'a third way', a solution aiming to avoid the pitfalls of both socialism and capitalism. Proponents of fascism could attack each in turn using the well-worn arguments already developed by socialism and capitalism in respect of one another. Workers were fed socialist-sounding critiques of capitalism; business owners etc were fed the capitalist critiques of socialism. The Nazis were also careful not to offer much beyond vague promises - not that it mattered as they never felt obliged to keep to them anyway.

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